Web Services in Cloud Computing: Definition, Types, and Various Architecture


Cloud computing architecture is straightforward and lists all of its constituent parts and subparts in detail. Cloud computing is unquestionably here to stay. 60% of corporate data from companies is stored in the cloud, and cloud computing thus makes up a massive part of the corporate world. 

The benefits of cloud computing include adaptability, storage, sharing, upkeep, and many more. IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS are the most used types of cloud services. SaaS examples in cloud computing include Google Workplace, Dropbox, etc.  

IaaS in Cloud Computing: IaaS generally utilizes cloud-based and pay-as-you-go services like virtualization, networking, and storage. 

SaaS in Cloud Computing: SaaS cloud computing platforms use software accessible online from third parties. 

PaaS in Cloud Computing: PaaS primarily concerns online-accessible hardware and software tools. 

Web Services in Cloud Computing 

Web services are any software, applications, or cloud technologies that connect, interact, and exchange data electronic messages using a standardized Web protocol (HTTP or HTTPS). By transferring data over a web service, programs written in many languages develop a connection between a client and a server. A web service is accessed by a client who submits an XML request, and the service returns an XML response. 

Components of Web Services 

The following are the critical components of web services:

1. SOAP  

  • The acronym SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. 
  • A convention based on XML for accessing web services. 
  • W3C recommendation for application-to-application communication.
  • Independent of both platforms and languages

2. UDDI  

  • Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration is referred to as UDDI. 
  • System based on XML.
  • Information on web administrations

3. WSDL  

  • The acronym for WSDL is Web Services Description Language. 
  • It is an XML file. 
  • It contains information about web administrations, such as the name of the technology, the strategy parameter, and directions to the site. 
  • It serves as a connection point for web administration software.  

How Do Web Services Work? 

A description of how web services operate is provided below: 

  • By employing open protocols like HTML, XML, WSDL, and SOAP, web services serve as a request-response pattern that facilitates communication with many applications. 
  • The expert co-op will respond with a reaction message if requested. Consequently, there are two messages: a Request message (XML) and a Response message (XML). We can create a web administration for Solaris that is built in Java and accessible from your Visual Basic software, which sees a sudden increase in demand for Windows. 
  • An administration uses XML to label data, SOAP to transport messages, and WSDL to show how accessible particular administrations are. 

Features of Web Services  

There are several characteristics of web services: 

  • XML-Based 

Records are transported and represented using XML in web services. Using XML eliminates the requirement for bindings on platforms, operating systems, or networks. Web-based applications with a middle level of interactivity are widespread. 

  • Loosely Coupled 

An Internet service provider and the subscriber may only sometimes be close to one another. A web service provider’s user interface might evolve without impairing the user’s communication ability. Because the server’s and mentor’s decisions are closely related to one another in a strongly coupled system, both interfaces must be updated if one changes. Software systems are easier to control and combine with other structures. 

  • Ability to be Synchronous or Asynchronous 

Synchronization is the relationship between the client and the function’s execution. The client can start a task while working on other activities thanks to asynchronous operations. To continue using synchronous invocation, the client must wait for the service to finish its operation, or else it will be blocked. When the service is finished, synchronous clients receive their results instantly, and asynchronous clients receive them later. Asynchronous abilities are needed to enable loosely coupled systems. 

  • Coarse Grain 

Object-oriented systems like Java have several ways of making their services available, and corporate operations are too large for character techniques to be effective. A Java application must be built from the ground up using various granular strategies integrated to create a coarse grain provider used by the customer or service. Corporations and the interfaces they provide should both be coarse-grained. Constructing coarse-grained services with access to significant commercial enterprise logic is simple by creating web services. 

  • Supports Remote Procedural Calls 

Development of components across the company EJBs (JavaBeans) and .NET elements has expanded in architectural and enterprise deployments. Allocating and accessing them employ a variety of RPC strategies. A web function can provide RPC by offering its services, much like a traditional role, or converting incoming invocations into an EJB or .NET component invocation. 

  • Supports Document Exchanges 

It is one of XML’s most appealing properties. The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) protocol is used for data exchange in web services. It communicates through the internet and is platform, system, and language neutral. It employs the Hypertext Transfer Protocol and the XML format. It transmits XML request files and receives XML response files. 


Many programming platforms are used to create web-based business apps in the modern era. Applications are created in various languages, including Java, .NET, Angular JS, Node.js, etc. These diverse apps frequently require some form of communication for them to interact. It is quite challenging to guarantee precise communication across applications because they are created using various programming languages. Web services have a role in this. Web services offer a shared platform that enables the communication between diverse applications created using different programming languages. 

In cloud computing, web services are searchable and callable across a network. The client that called the web service would be able to receive functionality from the web service. For professional-grade info on web services in cloud computing, Post Graduate Certificate Program in Cloud Computing by UNext meets all the learning requirements of beginner cloud professionals.

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