The first step in any Data Science or Machine Learning workflow is cleaning the data obtained in the raw form. The raw data is too messy and unstructured cannot be directly used to build Machine Learning models. Without a clean and formatted data, it is difficult to see the existing insights in the Data Exploration process. The real challenge faced with messy or raw data, is when the real training of the Machine Learning model begins. The central idea in building any Machine Learning model is to make the data should be clean and ready to be used in the model. In context to Machine Learning and Data Science, Cleaning the data is a process of altering and filtering that paves the way out to easily derive and explore insights and model in a format that is required. Filtering the data in a way that is irreverent to the business problem at hand and altering the parts of data that is needed in a format to be able to use it in the business context.
Broadly, the steps in any machine learning workflow after data collection and data wrangling, the data cleaning plays a vital role for preparing the data to feed it into a model. This part of data cleaning deals with handling missing values, encoding categorical data that is collected in a text format, dropping the redundant features and reducing the dimensionality using standard dimensionality reduction techniques. This step prepares the data as a whole to be applied to any machine learning algorithms.
The raw data can contain various different types of data which can be both structured and unstructured and needs to be processed in order to bring to form that is usable in the Machine Learning models. At a high level, the types of data are divided into Structured Data and Unstructured Data. The structured data is again classified into Numeric and Categorical data. Some of the common structured data types that are used in Machine Learning and Data Science point of view are as listed:
Examples: Height or Weight of an individual, Rate of Interest on loans, etc.
Examples: Student count in a class, Colour count in a Rainbow.
Examples: States in a country, zip codes of areas.ย
Examples: Ratings for a restaurant (e.g. very good, good, bad, very bad), Level of Education of an individual (e.g. Doctorate, Post Graduate, UnderGraduate), etc.
Examples: Gender (male or female), Fraudulent transaction (Yes or No), Cancerous Cell (True or False).
After the identification of the data types of the features present in the data set, the next step is to process the data in a way that is suitable to put to Machine Learning models. This step of pre-processing consists of various steps which include Missing Value Treatment, Feature Encoding, Dimensionality Reduction and so on. Out of these techniques the one that closely relates to above discussed data types is Feature Encoding. Feature Encoding is the conversion of Categorical features to numeric values as Machine Learning models cannot handle the text data directly. Most of the Machine Learning Algorithms performance vary based on the way in which the Categorical data is encoded. The three popular techniques of converting Categorical values to Numeric values are done in two different methods.
Level of Education
An alternative way would look like:
Applying the above discussed techniques after identifying the data types of the features in the data set is not only important but also necessary to make the data ready for the machine learning model. The encoding techniques discussed are the most popular and are applicable to most of the data set that needs to be modelled using Machine Learning Algorithms.
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