Bridging the massive job-skills gap in the AI sector

  Oct 21, 2022

With the rapid advancements in technology, in both consumer and enterprise spaces, the AI sector has massive requirements for skilled professionals.  

The data boom acted as a catalyst in the dynamic growth of AI and Machine Learning (ML) sectors. The IBM Global AI Adoption Index 2022 revealed that over 35% of the companies deployed AI for their businesses, and 21% of companies were seriously exploring AI incorporation. From saving expenses, automating repetitive tasks, optimizing customer experiences, and improving network infrastructure, AI is dominating both micro and macro segments. 

This sudden burst in a very short period has led to an enormous talent gap in this sector. With businesses requiring skilled professionals as AI researchers, automation experts, data scientists, machine learning specialists, and more, this is the right time to start bridging the talent-skills gap in the market.

Let’s look at some of the key approaches to tackling this.

For Enterprises

Workforce Transformation by Enterprises

Enterprises looking to invest heavily in AI are searching for the way forward with their applications and ROI’s. They know what their goals are and the possible ways to get there. Instead of looking for talent outside, a better approach would be to transform the competencies of their current IT and functional workforce into AI competencies.

By working with functional heads and profiling team members, team members could enrol into enterprise training programs. These programs will help build specific skills, fulfil the larger needs of the organization, and simultaneously ensure workforce is adequately trained and competent to deliver.

More Internship Opportunities

The AI sector is very recent in terms of its onset and development. Companies and enterprises cannot expect highly qualified professionals with years of experience to be available. That’s why it’s ideal to spot promising talent in this sector, to nurture it, and to provide them opportunities to practice the skills they are looking for. Internships allow both businesses and aspirants to get on the same page in terms of technology, business goals and vision. It allows to pick up the intricacies of working a job in the AI and industry domain.

For Individuals

Enrolling In AI Certification Programs 

AI was not always widely available in academic curriculums. It was a niche elective in the past for limited specializations. That lead to minimal exposure to AI concepts. What is a lifesaver for aspirants who intend to move into AI is certification programs. Offered by diverse online schools and brands, these programs are designed to make aspirants learn the intricacies of tools, and concepts. 

They ultimately help learners become job ready.  

Apart from offering theoretical knowledge, these programs also offer hands-on exposure in terms of access to real-world datasets and case studies, tools, virtual labs, and more. One of the primary ways to tackle the talent gap in the AI sector is by encouraging aspirants to take up such niche certification programs and further their journey in their career path. We must note that institutions like IIM Indore are providing airtight programs on AI and ML for aspirants to take up and excel.

Specializations And Passion Projects

The best way to get better at something is by consistently doing it. Gaining mastery of tools, concepts and techniques doesn’t happen overnight and takes months to years. Aspirants looking to get into a career path in AI and waiting to get hands-on with the tech after getting a job, should have a few passion projects they could work on the side-lines.

Working on passion projects allows aspirants to practically get heads on with practical challenges and produce workarounds. It also gives them a glimpse of their everyday job and tasks ahead. For businesses to recruit professionals who have worked on side hustles makes complete sense. They acquire a job-ready professionals who can be productive quickly.

Final Thoughts

AI-enabled is becoming a norm and even a segment like art, where the human touch is inevitable. With the fear of being left behind in the AI driven future, it’s the right time to work towards mastering it, enabling AI to work as directed by humans and for the better of humankind.  

Addressing the skill gap in the AI sector, will go a long way in a safe and controlled AI driven transformation path.

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