Computers and the Internet have changed the work environment of the world beyond imagination. Computers on taking over a major part of our lives, all our data has got transferred from records and ledgers to computers. Though this kind of shift in working has reduced the physical burden on workers it has also increased the chances of data theft. People involved in stealing data or harming the systems are knowledgeable people with wrong intentions known as Hackers. There are different types of hackers. Let’s take a look at how many types of hackers are there and the types of hacker attacks and techniques.
A hacker is ideally a person who is skilled in information technology. He uses his technical knowledge to overcome an obstacle or sometimes even achieve a goal within a computerized system. However, in recent times, the term hacker is always associated with a security hacker – someone who is always on the lookout for ways to acquire and exploit sensitive personal, financial and organizational information, which is otherwise not accessible to them. Legitimate figures often use hacking for legal purposes.
Hackers are highly skilled in breaching securities to gain unauthorized access to phones, tablets, computers, IoT devices, networks, or the networking system of an entire organization. They are generally very proficient in exploiting weaknesses in network security, taking advantage of the same. These weaknesses can be technical or social in nature.
White hat hackers are types of hackers who’re professionals with expertise in cybersecurity. They are authorized or certified to hack the systems. These White Hat Hackers work for governments or organizations by getting into the system. They hack the system from the loopholes in the cybersecurity of the organization. This hacking is done to test the level of cybersecurity in the organization. By doing so, they identify the weak points and fix them to avoid attacks from external sources. White hat hackers work per the rules and regulations the government sets. White hat hackers are also known as ethical hackers.
Motives & Aims: The goals of these types of hackers are helping businesses and an appetite for detecting gaps in networks’ security. They aim to protect and assist companies in the ongoing battle against cyber threats. A White Hat hacker is any individual who will help protect the company from raising cyber crimes. They help enterprises create defences, detect vulnerabilities, and solve them before other cybercriminals can find them.
Black hat hackers are also knowledgeable computer experts but with the wrong intention. They attack other systems to get access to systems where they do not have authorized entry. On gaining entry they might steal the data or destroy the system. The hacking practices these types of hackers use depend on the individual’s hacking capacity and knowledge. As the intentions of the hacker make the hacker a criminal. The malicious action intent of the individual cannot be gauged either can the extent of the breach while hacking
Motives & Aims: To hack into organizations’ networks and steal bank data, funds or sensitive information. Normally, they use the stolen resources to profit themselves, sell them on the black market or harass their target company.
The intention behind the hacking is considered while categorizing the hacker. The Gray hat hacker falls between the black and white hat hackers. They are not certified, hackers. These types of hackers work with either good or bad intentions. The hacking might be for their gain. The intention behind hacking decides the type of hacker. If the intention is for personal gain, the hacker is considered a gray hat hacker.
Motives & Aims: The difference is, they don’t want to rob people nor want to help people in particular. Rather, they enjoy experimenting with systems to find loopholes, crack defenses, and generally find a fun hacking experience.
It is a known fact that half knowledge is always dangerous. The Script Kiddies are amateurs types of hackers in the field of hacking. They try to hack the system with scripts from other fellow hackers. They try to hack the systems, networks, or websites. The intention behind the hacking is just to get the attention of their peers. Script Kiddies are juveniles who do not have complete knowledge of the hacking process.
Motives & Aims: One standard Kiddie Script attack is a DoS (Denial of Service) or DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service). This simply means that an IP address is flooded with too much excessive traffic that it collapses. Consider several Black Friday shopping websites, for instance. It creates confusion and prevents someone else uses the service.
Green hat hackers are types of hackers who learn the ropes of hacking. They are slightly different from the Script Kiddies due to their intention. The intent is to strive and learn to become full-fledged hackers. They are looking for opportunities to learn from experienced hackers.
Blue Hat Hackers are types of hackers who’re similar to Script Kiddies. The intent to learn is missing. They use hacking as a weapon to gain popularity among their fellow beings. They use hacking to settle scores with their adversaries. Blue Hat Hackers are dangerous due to the intent behind the hacking rather than their knowledge.
Red Hat Hackers are synonymous with Eagle-Eyed Hackers. They are the types of hackers who’re similar to white hackers. The red hat hackers intend to stop the attack of black hat hackers. The difference between red hat hackers and white hat hackers is that the process of hacking through intention remains the same. Red hat hackers are quite ruthless when dealing with black hat hackers or counteracting malware. The red hat hackers continue to attack and may end up having to replace the entire system setup.
Above are 7 types of hackers broadly referred to in the cybersecurity world.
The three types of hackers listed below work in different capacities.
Government appoints hackers to gain information about other countries. These types of hackers are known as State/Nation sponsored hackers. They use their knowledge to gain confidential information from other countries to be well prepared for any upcoming danger to their country. The sensitive information aids in being on top of every situation but also in avoiding upcoming danger. They report only to their governments.
These types of hackers intend to hack government websites. They pose themselves as activists, so known as a hacktivist. Hacktivists can be an individual or a bunch of nameless hackers whose intent is to gain access to government websites and networks. The data gained from government files accessed are used for personal political or social gain.
These types of hackers include individuals working in an organization who can expose confidential information. The intent behind the exposure might be a personal grudge against the organization, or the individual might have come across illegal activities within the organization. The reason for exposure defines the intent behind the exposure. These individuals are known as whistleblowers.
Information is widely available over the internet. Keen individuals can learn and adapt to them immediately. The intent behind hacking is what sets the hackers apart. The knowledge is used for harming individuals or governments or for personal gain, which makes hackers dangerous. The types of hacker attacks vary from organization to organization. The intensity and type of attack are dependent on the hackers’ ability to find the loophole and penetrate the security system. This has therefore put a lot of pressure on all organizations to always be up to date with their Cybersecurity precautions.
So, have you made up your mind to make a career in Cyber Security? Visit our Postgraduate Certificate Program in Cybersecurity for further help. It is the first program in offensive technologies in India and allows learners to practice in a real-time simulated ecosystem that will give them an edge in this competitive world.
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