Top 10 SIEM Tools

Ajay Ohri


IT is becoming an enabler of business. In this digital era, businesses are relying on their IT infrastructures to support almost every aspect of their operations. At the same time, security threats can put network security and data integrity at risk. SIEM Solutions are an integral part of log management and comprehensive security. These SIEM tools help in monitoring log activities and flag suspicious events and incidents.

Generally, SEIM Products are distinguished based on cost. The more you pay, the greater the features and capabilities you get. Therefore, buyers must weigh their needs and budget and accordingly select the SIEM system for their organization.

  1. What is a SIEM?
  2. What to look for in best SIEM solutions?
  3. List of tools

1) What is a SIEM?

SIEM is an amalgamation of two security systems called Security Information system (SIM) and Security Event Management (SEM).

SIEM solution provides monitoring, detecting, or alerting of security events within an IT environment.  It is a software solution that collects and analyses activity from many sources across your entire IT Infrastructure.

It functions as threat management and detection as well as a log management tool.

Salient features of SIEM are as follows:

  • Collection of data from multiple sources.
  • Interpretation of data.
  • Incorporation of intelligence feeds.
  • Alert Correlation.
  • Summation of potential threats.
  • Automation.

SIEM Software works by collecting log and event data generated by security devices, applications used in the organization, and host systems and bringing all the collected data together onto the centralized platform.

2) What to look for in best SIEM solutions?

The present-day SIEM software vendors are incorporating machine learning, advanced statistical analysis, and other analytic methods in their products. Companies are required to evaluate SIEM solutions based on their objectives to ascertain which would best meet their needs.

While selecting SIEM Tools, the following factors need to be considered:

  • Threat Intelligence and Analytics Capabilities

Check how well the tool combines knowledge of Forensics with security operations and applies Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to the generated logs.

Most conventional SIEM solutions offer regular data logging which is heavily dependent on alerts from a security tool. Machine Learning algorithms ease the usage and aids in security analysis. Also, Machine Learning allows engineers to focus on other higher pay-off activities, threats, etc.

Threat Intelligence can provide intelligent insights into network behaviour. It also aids in documenting suspicious activities that could indicate malicious intentions.

  • Correlate Security Incidents

The tool should be capable of correlating security events and detecting threats based on given correlation equations.

  • Ability to manage logs

A good SIEM tool should collect numerous logs from various sources. It should analyse every log that is generated.

  • Timeliness

When it comes to cybersecurity, timeliness is an essential factor to be considered. Any attack needs to be addressed in a timely manner through an analysis of real-time and historical events as well as data from various sources.

It is crucial that incident response time is fast. 

  • Ease of Deployment and Resource Utilization

SIEM Tool needs cooperation from various departments within the organization to run successfully. The simpler the deployment process, the easier it would be to get the support of all the departments.

  • Forensics Capabilities

Forensics plays a pivotal role in solving breach incidents. Traditional SIEM service providers lack the security intelligence and threat management capabilities required for taking timely action. 

  • Reporting

SIEM solutions should display information in an easy-to-understand format through graphics or clean and clear dashboards.

3) List of tools

Security is the most important element in any organization especially in this era where we are encountering cybercrimes. 

SIEM Tools offer a centralized approach for identifying, monitoring, analyzing, and recording security incidents in a real-time environment.

The features and power of SIEM Tools vary depending on the vendor. Below is the list of the best SIEM tools available in the market:

  • Solar Winds

Solar Winds Log and Event Manager is a great tool with a low entry price. It allows quick identification of issues, reporting, and quick deployment of solutions.

It is best for Small, Medium, and Large business entities and is compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac, and Solaris operating systems.

  • Datadog

Datadog detects threats out-of-the-box and can notify the IT team via email, Slack, Jira, PagerDuty, or a webhook.

It is ideal for Small, Medium, and Large businesses. It is compatible with Windows, Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and RedHat operating systems.

  • Splunk

It comes with features such as Activity Monitoring, Asset Management, Automated response, Threat Intelligence, Vulnerability Assessment, Advanced Analytics, and Incident Reporting.

It is compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac, and Solaris operating systems.

  • McAfee ESM

It can integrate a wide range of third-party security tools to provide a powerful SIEM platform. It is best for Small, Medium, and Large businesses and is compatible with Windows, and Mac. 

  • IBM QRadar

This product has smart features that can catch diverse ever-changing threats. Businesses with extensive log management requirements can consider this as a solid option.

  • RSA NetWitness

This product comes with robust threat analysis capability. It’s on the upper end of the pricing spectrum. It is another powerful option for log management and threat intelligence.

  • LogRhythm NextGen SIEM Platform

It is a solid and fast option for critical log management. It is compatible with Windows operating system. This tool has rapidly evolving AI and automation features. 

  • Securonix

It is an open platform with unlimited scalability, best-in-class behaviour analytics, advanced threat detection, and automated incident response. The tool has built-in support for various compliance frameworks and is a highly customizable solution.

  • EventTracker

Best for small, medium, and large enterprises, EventTracker is a platform with multiple capabilities with SIEM & Log management, User and Entity Behavior Analysis, Security Orchestration and Automation, and Compliance.

It can be deployed in the cloud or on-premises.

  • Rapid7

It provides cloud-based log and event management. It is ideal for small, medium, and large businesses.  


“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and few minutes of a cyber incident to ruin it”- Stephane Nappo. Cybersecurity is the need of the hour. Organizations are recognizing the importance of cybersecurity and the market for SIEM Tools is growing.

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