15 Best Data Mining Books in 2021


Books are mightier than the ocean when it comes to providing education. Data Mining is an art that takes tremendous amounts of knowledge, skill, and hard work to master. And to help this, there are various Data Mining Books available. The best of them are given in the below list:

1. Introduction to Data Mining

As the title suggests, the book primarily deals with Data Mining basics, which is indeed its foundation. Both theoretical and practical aspects of data mining are covered in this book.

2. An Introduction to statistical learning: With Applications in R

The book’s content goes hand-in-hand with the title, i.e. the book adopts a statistical approach to introduce the readers to the world of data mining.

3. Data Science for Business: What you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking

This book focuses on visualising the business problems data-analytically with the use of Data Mining. Besides this, the book also focuses on providing basic knowledge.

4. Modelling With Data

If you are looking for a data mining book for solving the analytical problem applied to data, then this book is for you. Besides this, you will also get the theory of creating tools in here.

5. Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value Creation for Business Leaders and Practitioners

Here, you will get to know all about big data along with the benefit from a marketing point of view. It also speaks of storing an algorithm related to the same.

6. Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques

This data mining book provides you with practical situations where machine learning tools are applied. It can also aid you in becoming a master of machine learning.

7. Mining the Social Web

By reading the title itself, you will come to know what this book deals with. This book covers the application of data mining in the field of the social web like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

8. Probabilistic Programming & Bayesian Methods for Hackers

This is an excellent data mining book as this deals with providing capabilities to solve very complex real-world problems. It also covers the applicability of data mining in the field of finance and marketing.

9. Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management

This book covers the application of data mining exclusively in the field of marketing and business management. Case studies included in the book enable us to see the applicability in real-life situations

10. Inductive Logic Programming Techniques and Applications

Though it is an old book, it covers vast theoretical and practical topics of data mining; the main focus here is given to inductive logic programming.

11. Mining of Massive Datasets

This data mining book covers vast topics of data mining. The area covered spreads across managing, manipulating and consuming large chunks of information into the database.

12. Data Mining: The Textbook

If you want to take your data mining skills to the next level, this book is for you. This book is special because it covers both basic and advanced level topics in data mining.

13. A Programmer’s Guide to Data Mining

This book, more acts like a guide for you in your path of mastering data learning. It explains the data mining concepts in a programming point of view.

14. Data Mining with Rattle and R: The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery

This book provides you with a large amount of information on data manipulation. Also, there is a demonstration of the implementation of the R language.

15. The Elements of Statistical Learning

Though this book focuses more on data mining, it still speaks a lot about data mining. The point to be considered is that this book is used by many universities.


Book had been man’s best teacher for many ages. One can excel in anything with the help of books.

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