Data Science Rewards You and How!

Just ask Soumi Dasgupta Ray! Only halfway through her Full Stack Data Science Bootcamp training, she already has bagged an internship opportunity at Sprinklr. With A Masters’ in Computer Science and 4 years of teaching experience at the higher secondary level, Soumi wanted to expand on her interests in Data Science and was looking to learn all about it from the ground up. Having used natural language toolkit, Wika, and Python as part of her Masters’ dissertation, she had a fair idea of what Data Science entails.

Her aim is to begin a career in Data Science and eventually expand her skill set into the areas of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence – which are of course the most sought-after technology skills right now. To meet her learning needs, she chose Jigsaw Academy’s Bootcamp as it gave her the hands-on nature of a classroom setting along with the flexibility to balance her work-life as the classes are held on weekends. She felt classroom training had a greater impact on the learning she was looking for and needed facetime with the faculty and fellow learners.

“My experience so far with Jigsaw has been great – be it the faculty, the course content and material, the online video content, the projects and assignments, and also their assistance in finding internships and jobs.” Says Soumi.

 If like Soumi, you too are looking make the jump into Data Science with a live, in-person training with instructors in a classroom setting, then head here to learn all about Bootcamps by Jigsaw Academy – now in Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad.

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