Joblib In Python: An Important Overview(2021)


We oddly try to optimize the pipelines or make the updates till we run out of memory or the computer hangs. Ordinarily, we concentrate on presenting the concluding result despite the performance.

For maximum problems, parallel computing can boost computing speed. With the rise of computer computing power, we can improve our computing by driving parallel code on our computer. Joblib is a package that can directly remake our Python code into a Parallel computing form and further boost the computing speed.

In this article let us look at:

  1. Why joblib in Python?
  2. Using Cached results
  3. Data Persistence
  4. Parallel Computing
  5. A delayed decorator
  6. Dump and Load
  7. Compression methods

1. Why joblib in Python?

The aim is to render tools competently and get better presentation when operating with long-running tasks.

Evade computing several times the same thing.

 Code is run again and again, for example, when prototyping computational-heavy jobs, but the solution to mitigate this problem is error-prone and often leads to unprolific outcomes.

Persist to the disk transparently:

Effectively, persevere random objects holding massive data is arduous. Using joblib’s caching tool evades hand-written persistence and links the file on disk to the original Python object’s execution attachment. As a result, joblib’s persistence is beneficial for continuing an application status or computational job after a crash.

Joblib strives to address these problems while leaving your code and your flow control as unmodified as possible (no framework, no new paradigms).

There are various purposes to unite joblib tools as a component of the machine learning pipeline:

  • Ability to handle cache which eludes recomputation of any of the steps
  • Conduct Parallelization to completely use all the cores of the central processing unit.
  • There are no particular dependencies (except Python itself).
  • It maintains cost and time.
  • Memorization, where a function called with the same case does not compute again rather, it will output loads back from the cache using mem mapping.
  • It is simple to study.
  • It is suitable for scientific computing on massive datasets
  • Unite without modifying the original code
  • On-demand computing

2. Using Cached results

The slow evaluation of the Python function implies a code allocated to a variable will perform only when its output is required by other computations. Caching the result of a function is called memorization to evade re-run.

This avoids running the function with the same arguments.

The memory class keeps output in a disk that stores the result cached by applying a hashing method when a function is announced with the same arguments. Hashing will check if the result for inputs is previously computed or not; if not, then recomputed or else stores cache value. It chiefly features large NumPy arrays. The result is stored in a pickle file in the cache directory.

Memory. Cache ()

A callable object providing a function for storing its return value every time it is called.

3. Data Persistence

Joblib gives aid in persisting any data formation or your machine learning model. It has been determined to be a more suitable replacement for Python’s standard library; Joblib can pick up Python objects and filenames.

Breakthrough is reforming storage complexity while pickling, which is done by joblib’s compression methods to keep a persisted object in a compressed structure. Joblib reduces data before storing it into a disk. Multiple compression extensions like gz, z have their compression techniques.

4. Parallel Computing

Ordinarily, parallel computing is done by the n number of jobs argument relating to different parallel methods, which means the operating system allows those jobs to run simultaneously. Usually, it refers to CPU cores whose value is decided by a job. Assume a job of intensive I/O but not with a processor, then processes can be more. Also, you can examine more about the backend that provides you with choices like multi-processing and multi-threading.

5. A delayed decorator

Delayed is a decorator essentially to understand the arguments of a function by forming a pair with function call syntax.

6. Dump and Load

We often want to save and load the datasets, models, computed decisions, etc. and from a location on the computer. Joblib gives functions that can be used to dump and load smoothly.

7. Compression methods

When working with more massive datasets, the size seized by these files is extensive. With feature engineering, the file volume gets indeed larger as we add extra columns. Fortuitously, now, with the storage becoming so inexpensive, it is less of concern. Nevertheless, still, to be effective, there are some compression techniques that joblib gives which are very easy to use:

  • Simple Compression:

It does not give any compression but is the quickest way to save any files.

  • Using lz4 compression:

It is another compression method and one of the quickest available compression techniques, but the compression speed is somewhat lower than Zlib.


In this article, we came to know how Joblib is a victor in the context of managing enormous data, which could have taken plenty of space and time, if not without Joblib. The article has described how pipelining library which is competent enough to optimize time and space. Highlights like parallelism, memorization, and caching or file confining exceeded all machine learning libraries.

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