Kaggle Data Science – A Comprehensive Guide For Starters In 2021

Ajay Ohri


Many experts have stated that data scientist is presently the most in-demand profession in the industry. As the industry is evolving towards modern technologies and resolutions, Demand for data scientists is also rising.

This article will help you to understand what Kaggle Data Science is all about. How Kaggle assist you to study data science effectively.

  1. What is Kaggle?
  2. How to Get Started on Kaggle
  3. Tips for Kaggle data science
  4. Data science tutorial Kaggle

1) What is Kaggle?

Kaggle is an online association of data scientists and machine training practitioners. Kaggle permits users to find and issue data sets, investigate and develop models in a web-based data-science background, work beside other data scientists and machine training engineers, and begin competitions to determine data science difficulties.

2) How to Get Started on Kaggle

Step 1: Choose a programming language.

Firstly, pick one programming language. Python and R are popular on Kaggle and in the more extensive data science community.

Numerous online courses can help you to learn both languages.

Step 2: Study the basics of traversing data.

The capacity to fill, operate, and frame your data is the initial step in data science. It notifies the decisions you’ll execute during model training.

If you choose to learn the Python Language Seaborn library is Recommended, which was designed especially for this objective. It performs high-level functions for planning many beneficial tables.

Step 3: learn about machine learning model.

Before getting into Kaggle, practice equipping a model on a flexible and Simpler dataset. It will help you to become familiar with machine learning libraries.

Step 4: Try Kaggle Competitions

Try Kaggle competitions, which come into various categories. The most popular are:

  • Featured – Generally sponsored by companies, organizations, or even governments. They offer the most extensive prize funds.
  • Research – These are research-oriented and have less to no prize money.
  • Recruitment – Sponsored by companies who want to hire data scientists. `
  • Getting Started – Featured competitions, but they have no prize funds. They feature simple datasets, lots of tutorials, and rotating submission so that interested person can enter any time.

Step 5: Insist on learning rather than focusing on money-making.

Everything takes time and efforts to perform well. Take part in competitions that will help you in discovering new methods and technologies to achieve long-term goals. The best thing you will learn is expanding your skills for your career apart from the prize money.

3) Tips for Kaggle data science:

Some beneficial data science Kaggle projects that are good for learning and acquiring experience:

1.)  Credit Fraud Detection

Credit Card Fraud Detection with Machine Learning is a data study technique by a Data Science Organisation and the expansion of a model that will accommodate the best decisions in defining and restricting deceitful activities. It is fulfilled by bringing all essential features of card user’s activities, for example, date, user zone, product category, amount, provider, client behavioural patterns, etc. The data is run by a qualified model that detects patterns and rules which distinguish whether a transaction is deceitful or is true.

 2.)  Customer Segmentation through machine learning

Approaches to segment consumers through machine learning. Apply the company tools, teams, and abilities to manage these methods most optimally.

Step 1: Build a Marketing Position

Everything requires a purpose. Build a marketing position means the goal of using machine learning and Artificial Intelligence to start.

Firstly, find the most estimable consumer groups inside the whole funds of consumers.

Step 2: Arrange the information

The more consumers in consumer segmentation will help you in deep learning Kaggle. This is because you will be able to study numerous models and trends inside the datasets. Also, to fix various features depending on the relevant metrics, which include:

  • Average existence value
  • Client fulfilment
  • Net profit

These should be prepared, which helps in the visualization method afterwards. The data can be collected with an open-source tool.

Consumers will need to be exported as fresh data to be used as a tool.

All the data collected should be studied Properly, which will help in the decision-making process.

Step 3: Use K-means clustering

In general words, it determines various clusters and clubs them together while maintaining a small number which means keep the most likely consumers segments to interpret further.

Step 4: Selecting optimal hyperparameters

Select the best set of hyperparameters for an algorithm. It will help in finding the most Precise and worthwhile consumer groups based on your research.

Step 5: Visualization and analysis

Visualize the verdicts and evaluate it to improve your work.

More valuable consumers will help you to improve your business.

It will give your organization a clearer picture of the metrics formerly planned.

Later you can ideally study the pros and cons of each group to stimulate growth.

Use the open-source plotting library for making charts, plans, and diagrams.

3.) Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is the process of identifying positive or negative sentiment in text. It’s used by businesses to identify sentiment in social data, gauge brand reputation, and understand consumers. Nowadays, consumers express their opinion clearly and powerfully, and sentiment analysis is becoming a vital tool to understand that sentiment. This gives brands a clear picture of consumers about liking and disliking.

It helps them to make desired changes according to consumers choice.

4) Data science tutorial Kaggle

A data scientist must have these skills:

  1. Primary Tools: Python, R or SQL. Learn any of the tools. Learn to use Python.
  2. Statistics: Such as mean, median or standard deviation. Use Python easily with the statistics.
  3. Data Munging: Work with inconsistent data and difficult data.
  4. Data Visualization: Visualize the data with Python, like seaborn libraries.
  5. Machine Learning: understand the basics of machine learning and studying how to implement it while using Python.


Kaggle is a reliable platform for professional data scientists to create new models and budding data scientists can learn to build machine learning models. Inclusively we can conclude that Kaggle is very helpful for learning data science.

If you are interested in making a career in the Data Science domain, our 11-month in-person Postgraduate Certificate Diploma in Data Science course can help you immensely in becoming a successful Data Science professional. 


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