PyTorch Tutorial: An Interesting Guide For 2021

Ajay Ohri


Welcome to this PyTorch tutorial. In-depth learning allows us to perform more extensive tasks, such as translating machinery, playing strategic games, or identifying objects in cluttered scenes, by presenting our model in illustrative examples. In order to do this practically, we need flexible tools, to be able to adapt to a variety of problems, and to work effectively, to allow training to happen over big data at the right times, and we need a trained model to perform precisely where there are differences in input.

One of the recommended tools is PyTorch because it is so simple. Pythonic, and while like any complex domain, it has excellent features, using a library often feels familiar to developers who have used Python before.

In this article about Pytorch Tutorial, let us look at:

  1. What is PyTorch?
  2. PyTorch Features
  3. Installing PyTorch
  4. NumPy Bridge – Arrays and Tensors
  5. PyTorch: Autograd module
  6. Use Case: Image Classifier

1. What is PyTorch?

PyTorch is a study of Python programs that help build in-depth swotting projects. It emphasizes environmental flexibility and allows in-depth learning models to be developed with idiomatic Python. Unlike Tensorflow, PyTorch uses an automated tape-based method that allows us to define and use dynamic computational graphs.

It’s a Tensor computation library that can be powered by GPUs.

2. PyTorch Features

  • PyTorch’s clear syntax, structured API, and easy debugging make it an excellent choice to introduce in-depth learning.
  • PyTorch provides a basic data structure, a tensor, which is a multidimensional array that shares many similarities with the NumPy layout.
  • Performs fast mathematical performance on dedicated hardware, which makes it easy to design neural network structures and train them on individual machines or compatible computer resources.
  • PyTorch is simple and fast which leads to easy and fast coding.
  • PyTorch can also be used to design and train C models.

3. Installing PyTorch

A proper PyTorch tutorial would be remiss if it didn’t point out its merits:

How to install PyTorch?

In this PyTorch tutorial, the first step is to install the PyTorch model on your machine by selecting your program preferences at Select your operating system with the package manager, followed by the Python version you are using. This will generate a command to perform the installation of the PyTorch version.

Creating Tensors

The tensor is both a numerical vessel with specific rules that define transitions between tensors that produce new tensors.

PyTorch allows us to build tensors in many different ways using a torch package.

Another way to build a tensor is to start randomly by defining its size, as shown in the example below:


import torch

describe ( torch.Tensor ( 2, 3 ) )


Type: torch.FloatTensor

Shape/size: torch.size ( [ 2, 3 ] )


tensor ( [ [ 3.2018e-05, 4.5747e-41, 2.5058e 25 ], [ 3.0813e-41, 4.4842e-44, 0.0000e 00 ] ] )

We can also create a tensor by starting it randomly with values from the same perimeter distribution [0, 1) or a standard standard normal distribution, as shown in the example below:


import torch 

describe ( torch.rand ( 2, 3 ) )

describe ( torch.randn ( 2, 3 ) )


Type: torch.FloatTensor

Shape/sizetorch.size ( [ 2, 3 ] )


tensor ( [ [ 0.0242, 0.6630, 0.9787 ], [ 0.1037, 0.3920, 0.6084 ] ] )

Type: torch.FloatTensor

Shape/size: torch.Size ( [ 2, 3 ] )


tensor ( [ [ -0.1330, -2.9222, -1.3649 ], [ 2.3648, 1.1561, 1.5042 ] ] )

Tensor operations

After you have created your tensors, you can operate on them as you would do with traditional programming language types, like , -, *, /. Instead of the operators, you can also use functions like .add ( ), as shown in the example below:


import torch

x = torch.randn ( 2, 3 )

describe ( x x )


Type: torch.FloatTensor

Shape/size: torch.Size ( [ 2, 3 ] )


tensor (  [ [ 0.0923, 0.8048, -2.0231 ], [ 0.4335, -1.2245, 1.0072 ] ] )

4. NumPy Bridge-Arrays and Tensors

PyTorch tensors can be converted to NumPy arrays and vice versa very efficiently. By doing so, we can take advantage of the huge swath of functionality in the wider Python ecosystem that has built up around the NumPy array type. 

5. PyTorch: Autograd module

The Autograd is the backbone of the Pytorch framework. It helps the user to do automatic differentiation, which led us through all breakthroughs in the deep learning field.

PyTorch acquired dynamic capability with the help of the autograd package. When the program executes, autograd writes each operation to the tap-like data structure and stores it in memory. 

6. Use Case: Image Classifier

Let’s have a look at PyTorch image classification in this PyTorch tutorial:

The most important step in solving any real-world problems is to get the data. Kaggle provides a huge number of competitions on different data science problems.

Data Preprocessing: Preprocessing of data and the creation of train, validation, and test splits are some of the important steps that need to be performed before we can implement an algorithm.

Loading data into PyTorch tensors: The data loader PyTorch torchvision.datasets package provides a utility class called ImageFolder that can be used to load images along with their associated labels. It is a common practice to perform the following preprocessing steps:

  • Resize all the images to the same size.
  • Normalize the PyTorch dataset with the mean and standard deviation of the dataset.
  • Convert the image dataset to a PyTorch tensor.

Building the network architecture: There are different architectures that can be quickly used to solve our real-world problems. For example, a popular deep learning algorithm is used called ResNet. PyTorch makes it easier to use a lot of these popular algorithms by providing them off the shelf in the torchvision.models module. All these algorithms accept an argument called pretrained.

Training the model: Now it’s time to train the model. To do this, a loss function and an optimizer is needed.


This brings us to the end of this PyTorch tutorial. There is much more to deep learning and PyTorch. Working with an upcoming framework like PyTorch and a fast-changing field like deep learning feels like building a mansion on shifting ground.

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