Selenium Maven Dependency: A Simple Overview In 6 Points


Most small projects having a lesser number of modules and functionalities use Selenium Maven dependency or a JAR’s manual download in their project. But, larger or medium-sized projects having large developer teams working on them and generally use the Selenium Maven project management tools of Maven since teams using the standard dependency version need to have a standard version which plays a critical role in project management. 

  1. What is Maven?
  2. Maven Dependency
  3. Critical Advantages of Maven
  4. How to Install Maven
  5. Use Cases
  6. How to Run the Maven Project

1. What is Maven?

Maven is a Java scripted project management automation tool based on a project object model (POM) and is compatible in multiple environments like Ruby, Python, C# etc., where it leads to several problems when using Selenium Maven dependency of JAR.  International Journal of Computer Techniques, in their research, found that IDE is used by 65% of Java programmers. Of these, greater than 65% of them used the build tool of Maven automation, making it the ‘numero uno’ tool for build management and Testing dependency for Maven in the present day environments and market.

2. Maven Dependency

Maven exhibits transitive Selenium Maven dependency, meaning that since dependencies are interdependent, Maven automatically adds all dependent and inter-related dependencies. At times this feature gets confusing to new users who add dependencies manually or have multiple choices of inter-dependencies in Maven and do not use the pom.xml option in the Maven Dependency folder. A reading of Maven Apache is highly recommended to help understand what is Maven dependency.

Take the example of adding a version of Selenium 3.14.0 to the Selenium Tester using POM in Maven (pom.xml). This adds other JARs like the selenium-edge-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-API etc. Hence all one needs to do is choose Selenium Dependency and Press Ctrl-Click. This leads one to the Selenium pom XML, which gets opened to reveal all the possible dependent dependencies. When this dependency is added the dependency folder gets automatically uploaded with several JARs like the web driver Maven, selenium-edge-driver-3.14.0,jar , selenium-api-3.14.0,jar, selenium-opera-driver-3.14.0,jar, selenium-firefox-driver-3.14.0,jar, the selenium-remote-driver-3.14.0,jar etc.

Thus, to explain Transitive Dependency means that Maven will automatically download the required dependent JARs depending on the choice of dependencies and store them in the folder for Maven dependencies in the Maven repository a programmer adds a dependency. This is especially useful where dependencies have transitive dependencies in Maven.

3. Critical Advantages of Maven

Some of the Maven’s key advantages are as follows.

  • Maven manages the test project’s entire life-cycle.
  • Maven uses the repository to download the required file automatically.
  • Selenium Maven dependency can be easily configured using pom.xml, to suit one’s requirements when testing, building, running code etc.

4. How to Install Maven

Setting up a system with Maven involves the download and following set-up steps.

  • Firstly ensure the Java system (minimum JDK 1.7) has installed Java, JAVA_HOME and JDK where the environment variables are properly configured.
  • Use the binary zip file download of the page Maven Apache Download, where one should unzip the file to the C drive to complete the installation.
  • Next, for the Environment Variable, configure the path of MAVEN_HOME right up to the folder’s bin.
  • Use the System link from the Control panel and click on the tab for ‘Advanced system’ settings.
  • Here, on the Advanced tab, check by clicking environment variables. Add the variable MAVEN_HOME to system variables and provide its path to the Maven bin folder. SAVE.
  • Setting the Environmental Variable involves Start menu > to Edit the Environment Variables > in the System Properties > under the Environment Variables tab. Set the MAVEN_HOME path under the System Variables. 
  • To check if Maven has/ has not been installed, use the command prompt and specify the ‘mvn –version’ command before pressing enter in the how to check Maven version process. It should then display Maven 3.6.1in this example, thereby returning the Selenium Maven dependency version in use.

5. Use Cases

Here are some of the Maven applications for Selenium Maven dependency management and use cases on how to use Maven. 

  • In Selenium dependency development with Eclipse IDE, one can use the Maven plugin with an M2Eclipse to modify, create and execute projects in Maven. (The Eclipse Marketplace allows the download of the M2E Eclipse plug-in).
  • To updating a JAR version, share the pom.xml file from which team members can use the Maven build command to build the project modules.
  • To change the dependency version, one should update the dependency version in pom.xml and then save the project.

6. How to Run the Maven Project

The Selenium Maven dependency process can be summarised as below.

  • Maven clean: This is used to provide a clean, fresh run to the target folder after deleting all previous output files.
  • Maven builds: This command builds and verifies the code while letting one know if it succeeds or fails based on the input code. If the code is flawless, the build is called a successful build, and the report is displayed in the command prompt.
  • Maven Install: This command is a combination of the Maven clean and builds commands wherein it will first clean the target folder for a fresh run by deleting previous run files and then builds a new run file.

Read up on the multiple Maven features in run the Selenium Java code, which helps run Maven projects. One can also use these running methods and commands without IDE’s like IntelliJ or Eclipse. Here’s how one runs the maven project using the Command prompt: Firstly, go to the pom.xml path and type in mvn clean, mvn build, and mvn install to get the output as a command prompt on the console.


Maven quickly rises to the challenges of dependency versions of large teams in a Java environment. It provides excellent features of a POM example like standard Selenium Maven dependency versions, JAR’s and plugins and has a predefined folder structure.

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