React Redux Tutorial In 4 Easy Points


Welcome to this React Redux tutorial. React is one of Java Script most common libraries, used for the implementation of the front end. Through offering the component-based strategy, our technology growth has facilitated and accelerated tremendously. Redux is a saviour who manages the data flow from the backend of the application. This blog will explain everything you necessitate to know about react redux tutorial. 

In this article about React Redux Tutorial, let us look at:

  1. Why Redux with React
  2. What is Redux and how redux works?
  3. Benefits of Redux
  4. Components of Redux

1. Why Redux with React

  • Reactjs Redux is the official Redux UI binding library.

There are UI binding layers for several frameworks, but React-Redux is managed directly by the Redux organisation.

React-Redux is kept up-to-date with API changes from either library, to assure that your React elements work as required. Its expected usage acquires the design systems of React.

  • It Boosts better React framework

React elements are like functions. While it is likely to write all the code in a single function, It is usually better to break that logic into shorter functions that each manage a particular task, making them simpler to learn.

2. What is Redux and how redux works?

Redux is a predictable state container intended to help you write JavaScript apps that work consistently across client, server, and native conditions and are simple to examine.

Redux is generally used as a state management tool with React. You can use it with any other JavaScript framework or library. It’s lightweight at 2KB.

Three principles of Redux

  • The state of the application is stored in one JavaScript object.
  • The state is read-only, but we can switch the state by specifying a change with another JavaScript object called an action.
  • Changes are administered by pure functions called reducers. A reducer allows the current state and an action and returns a different state or the same state.

3. Benefits of Redux

 There are several benefits of using Redux in your application:

  • Predictability of result

There is invariably one root of truth, the store, with no ambiguity about How to sync the prevailing state with actions and different components of an application.

  • Maintainability

Having an expected result and stern formation makes the code simpler to manage.

  • Systematization

Redux is sterner about how code should be systematised, which makes code more uniform and simpler for a team to run with.

  • Server rendering

It is beneficial, particularly for the primary render, making a satisfying user experience or search engine optimization. Just transfer the store built on the server to the client-side.

  • Developer tools

Developers can trace everything going on in the app in real-time, from operations to state changes.

  • Community and ecosystem

It is a large plus whenever you are studying or using any library or framework. Having a community after Redux makes it indeed appealing to use.

  • Ease of testing

The initial rule of formulating testable code is to write short functions that do only one thing and that is independent. Redux’s code is mostly functions that are just that: short, pure and separate.

4. Components of Redux

A) Actions

An action is a JavaScript object that has a type field. The type field should be a string type that performs this action with a specific name.

An action object can have additional fields with extra data about what occurred. By default, we put that data in a field termed as payload.

B) Reducers

A reducer is a function that accepts the current state, and an action object determines how to renew the state if needed, and returns the new state.

Reducers follow some particular rules:

  • They should only count the new state value based on the state and action cases.
  • They are not permitted to alter the current state. Rather, they must make permanent updates, by copying the current state and making alterations to the copied contents.
  • They must not do any nonsynchronous logic, measure arbitrary values, or compose other side effects.

C) Store

The current Redux application state exists in an object called the store.The store is built by passing in a reducer and has a method known as getState that gives the current state value.

D) View 

Smart and dumb elements commonly make up the view. The only use of the view is to present the data carried down by the store. The smart segments are in charge of the actions. The dumb elements under the smart components notify them just in case they want to trigger the action. The smart segments, in turn, give them props which the dumb segments use as callback actions.

E) React with redux

  •  First, you need to establish the fundamental react, webpack, babel setup.
  • Once you complete installing the dependencies, then build a components folder in the src folder. Inside that folder build an App.js file.
  • Now build a new actions folder and create index.js in it.
  • Then create user-details.js in a new folder known as containers.
  • In the same folder create a user-list.js file.
  • Now make a reducers folder and build index.js inside it.
  • Inside the same reducers folder, make a reducer-users.js file.
  • Now inside the reducers folder form a reducer-active-user.js file
  •  Then create index.js in the root folder.
  • When you write all the codes, lance your application at localhost:3000.


We have learned why Redux is advantageous to your project in this React Redux tutorial. An extensive advantage of Redux is to connect directions to decouple “what occurred” from “how things change.” One should implement Redux if you ascertain your project requires a state management tool. This brings us to the end of this React Redux tutorial.

If you are interested in learning more about software development, you can check out our holistic Master Certificate Program in Full Stack Development.


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