Are we all prepared for the ‘Internet of Things’?

Sanchita Lobo

Another buzz word that is proving that it’s more than just hype. Slated to be the ‘gamechanger’ of the next decade, it has tremendous potential to change the way we live. Today I would like to share an article with you that explains just how important a trend this is and why and how it will have an impact on the Big Data and Analytics Industry. Published in and titled, It’s coming… The Internet of Things  by Danette Breitenbach , the article states that “Big data could have been invented for the Internet of Things and it will produce realms of data. How that data is used and managed will be the challenge. Do we even have people who can make sense of the data?”  Very pertinant for all those in data analytics or those thinking about a career in data analytics. Just how will the IoT impact your career? Read the full article here:

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