What Is Bucket Sort? Simplified Overview In 3 Points


Bucket sortย is a useful technique that is commonly used when inputs are uniformly distributed. In computer science, it is a very simple way for comparison, which is based on the algorithm of sorting. Bucket sort can also be used for partitioning an array into buckets where each bucket is individually sorted. Bucket sort program is considered to be a fast and speedy technique since bucket sort assumes beforehand that the input is calculated by a process, which will result in independent and uniform distribution of the element over the interval.

  1. What is Bucket Sort?
  2. Why is Bucket Sort Important?
  3. Steps to Creating Development Buckets

1. What is Bucket Sort?

Bucket sort is an algorithm. A Sorting technique where items are sorted or placed in categories known as buckets. This technique distributes the elements in a range into different buckets by using individual buckets or several buckets. It is also termed as bin sort, fundamentally used for comparison sort of algorithm.

Each bucket contains a similar type of data which is not equal to the other buckets’ data. It means that data present in two different buckets have to be necessarily different from each other. When the sorting is completed, and the data is gracefully placed into different buckets, gathered and the elements are put on the main list to get a complete data structure which is sorted as per the categorization.

Let us understand bucket sort with example. Suppose a total of 20 numbers are written haphazardly. The set of a total of 20 numbers needs to be sorted in the range of 0 to 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, and so on. The bucket sort algorithm compares the number with the range given and gathers them into one bucket. 20 numbers, when sorted and arranged, can be found to be written in ascending orders.

The bucket-sortย algorithm explanation is given below:

1) Create n empty buckets (Or lists).

ย 2) Do following for every array element arr[i].

ย …….a) Insert arr[i] into bucket[n*array[i]]

ย 3) Sort individual buckets using insertion sort.

ย 4) Concatenate all sorted buckets.

The bucket sort algorithm, with an example, is as follows:

The input array is 0.42, 0.32, 0.23, 0.52, 0.25, 0.47, 0.51

An array of size 10 is created used for sorting. The buckets each ranges from 0 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, and up to (n-1) to n. an input element is .23 is taken. It is multiplied by size = 10 (i.e. .23*10=2.3). Then, it is converted into an integer (i.e. 2.3โ‰ˆ2). Finally, .23 is inserted into bucket-2. Similarly, other elements are inserted.

The elements of the individual bucket are sorted using sorting algorithms like quicksort. The elements in those buckets are then gathered.

2. Why is Bucket Sort Important?

Bucket sorting is an important technique for different organizations. Bucket sorting provides product teams with the advantage of using resources and focus the development process on those projects which are stimulating and effective. It helps and integrating and organizing the projects faster, and stripes of the non-essential projects, resulting in the company excel in their product and business. The advantages of bucket sort are that they help in the processing of data individually and independently of the others. Bucket sort can also be used as an external sorting algorithm. Bucket sort can be stable, and it depends on the algorithm used to sort those elements.ย Bucket sort uses spacing to sort the elements. Therefore, it is not an in-place sorting algorithm.

3. Steps to Creating Development Buckets

The steps which are important in creating development buckets are categorized into 3 parts. The bucket sort example step by step is as follows:

  • Step 1: Identification of development categories

The development items which need to be categorized are selected like dost in start gives the maximum customer satisfaction creating a strong competitive advantage in the process.ย 

  • Step 2: Defining the development time.

The amount of time required to be given on individual categories identified in the previous step is assigned here. More development time is assigned for impactful items. This is a crucial part of the step-up process, which allows the product team to prioritize and allocate.ย 

  • Step 3: Items in each category are prioritized.

The last process system gathered specified items which are run today as per the bucket sort technique. The last process finally gives those items which need to be discussed and evaluated in terms of opportunity, and it can help in creating a roadmap for strategic planning.


Though bucket-sortย is used for comparison, it is not a comparison sorting, but it is a more generalized technique of pigeonhole sort. It can be said that it is a type of distribution sort. In terms of the complexity of bucket-sort implementation, it can be said that the complexity increases as the number of buckets increases.ย Time Complexity is for all, i.e. the best case, average case and the worst case. Space Complexity is for worst-case only. O(n k) for the best and average case, whereas O(n^2) is the worst time complexity.

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