What Is the 5i Framework of the PG Certificate Program in Product Management?


The 5i framework is a 5 step process in which the learner understands the complete product lifecycle. This framework was developed to standardize the skills that Product Managers are expected to possess because there are a large number of job vacancies in this field. Ideate, Innovate, Implement, Industrialize, and Improve are the 5is to learn Product Management. 

The PM certifications are designed and developed keeping in mind the needs of an industry professional who has to design the product from scratch and oversee its implementation, whether it is from a small-scale business or a large-scale MNC. The industry constantly demands new entrants to have skills like decision-making, strategic planning, detailing a project plan, and a vision to deal with uncertainties. 

Product Management: Its Importance in Today’s Time 

Product management is a crucial function in today’s business world. It manages the product lifecycle, which includes strategy development, planning, implementation, monitoring, and controlling. It’s an important job role because it helps companies create better products with fewer chances of failure. 

The Product Management sector is in high demand both in India and overseas, with more than 20,000 opportunities accessible on LinkedIn alone. The average income for a product manager in India, according to Jobted, is almost 246% greater than the country’s average income. 

Product Managers are responsible for the following: 

  • Setting the vision for a product or service 
  • Defining a product’s value proposition 
  • Analyzing customer needs and wants 
  • Developing a plan to deliver a product or service 
  • Communicating this plan to all stakeholders and managing the delivery of the product or service from concept to market 

They also have to manage internal resources and external partners involved in delivering products or services and ensure these resources are used effectively. 

By understanding customer needs and wants through research and data analysis, they can create new products that customers want while at the same time ensuring existing products are kept relevant by making them better than competitors’ offerings. Product Managers must be able to communicate effectively both internally within their organization as well as externally with customers or other stakeholders. 

The 5i Framework: The Roadmap To Becoming an Expert Product Manager 

As a Product Manager, you’re responsible for facilitating the growth of your company’s products and services. You must understand what your customers need and want and then work with your team to develop solutions that efficiently meet those needs. But how do you know if you’re doing a good job? 

Many frameworks can help you become a better Product Manager, but one of the most popular is the 5i Framework. 

The 5i Framework is a roadmap for becoming an expert Product Manager. The culmination of years of research, experimentation, and experience resulted in this framework’s development. The 5i Framework is based on a simple premise, and it takes five steps to become an expert Product Manager. These steps are outlined below:

  • IDEATE:  The first step of the 5i Framework is to ideate. Ideate is short for “idea generation,” and it’s a skill that all managers must possess. Ideation is the process of developing ideas and turning them into value propositions or features you can build out as part of your product roadmap. 
  • INNOVATE: Once you’ve ideated, the next step is to innovate. Innovation is the process of taking an idea and turning it into something that has never been done before. Innovating means taking a basic concept and pushing it to its limits so that your product can be truly unique. 
  • IMPLEMENT: Once you’ve innovated, the next step is to implement. Implementing is the process of turning your ideas into reality. At this stage, your product prototype is ready and in the process of being perfected for mass-scale production. 
  • INDUSTRIALIZE: Once you’ve implemented it, the next step is industrializing. Industrializing is turning an idea into a repeatable process that can be applied repeatedly at a large scale. It means taking something that works in theory and making it work in the real world so your product can scale. 
  • IMPROVE: Once you’ve industrialized, the next step is to improve. Improving is the process of taking something that works and making it better. It means going back to your customers and getting feedback so that you can tweak what you’re doing so that it better meets their needs. This cycle happens over and over again until you reach a point where your innovation is no longer just profitable but also sustainable. 

Advantages of the 5i Framework 

The 5i framework is a methodology for designing and implementing effective information systems. It encourages the design and implementation of systems aligned with an organization’s business goals while also being flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances. The 5i framework is a business model that is designed to help you achieve your goals in the following ways: 

  • Increase Innovation: The 5i framework helps you think about innovation as a part of your daily business rather than just being something you do in an isolated way. 
  • Improve Integration: It helps you integrate new ideas into your existing processes and systems. 
  • Implement Ideas Quickly: It gives you a structure for implementing new ideas quickly and efficiently. 
  • Improve Results: You can use the 5i framework to improve results flexibly by adapting it to meet specific organizational needs or challenges. 
  • Increase Collaboration: It helps you improve collaboration between different parts of your organization by providing a structure for bringing people together to work on projects. 
  • Increase Accountability: It helps you increase accountability by clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of the people involved in a project. 
  • Increase Effectiveness and Efficiency: You can use the 5i framework to increase effectiveness by ensuring that all tasks are completed and accounted for. It helps you increase efficiency by streamlining processes and removing unnecessary steps. 
  • Reduce Risk: You can use the 5i framework to reduce risk by identifying and mitigating potential problems before they occur. 


A 5i framework is a comprehensive approach to product management that covers all aspects of the product development process. It provides a structured framework for Product Managers to follow, from ideation and market research to product launch and post-launch analysis. 

By following this framework, Product Managers can ensure that they cover all bases and make well-informed decisions at each stage of the product development process. UNext’s PG Certificate Program in Product Management is the only program that conforms to the 5i framework, and you must check it out!

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