‘Start Small, And Let Giving Become A Way Of Life’ – 15 Quotes Of The Week On Motivation And Change

  Oct 14, 2022

With new skills and competencies, you become part of the larger picture with the power and time to fix intricate problems like gender-based wage gaps, diversity, inclusivity, and more. - Sarita Digumarti, UNext Jigsaw

Launched in 2014, StoryBites is a weekly feature from YourStory, featuring notable quotable quotes in our articles of this past week (see the previous edition here). Share these 15 gems and insights from the week of October 3-9 with your colleagues and networks, and check back to the original articles for more insights.

Gender equality isn’t just a fundamental human right – it’s a cornerstone of a thriving, contemporary economy that promotes sustainable and inclusive growth. – Robin Bhowmik, Manipal Global Education Services

We hope to see a day when all women can continue pursuing their passion or working and being financially independent, irrespective of the challenges that lie ahead of them. – Neha Shah, QWEEN

Women are natural collaborators, storytellers, and nurturers, meaning we look for solutions and collaborate effectively. – Chitra Singh, Sales Womentoring

Career comebacks are often associated with women and despite a woman being extremely talented and ideal for a job profile, once they take up a sabbatical, they are forced to start from scratch. – Sarita Digumarti, Jigsaw Academy

People didn’t think that selling eggs from retail stores was a respectable work to do, especially for an educated girl. But I felt there was enough work to be done and it was our passion that made us continue. – Namita Satija, Bettr Eggs

There needs to be an effort to recognise obesity as a chronic health condition, remove the stigma around it, and seek appropriate help timely. – Vikas Singhal, Medanta- Medicity Hospital

Building the ‘team of the future’ requires high levels of collaboration. It is not just about hiring the best team but also growing responsibly such that headcount growth is in line with revenue. – Baishampayan Ghose, TeamOhana

The huge challenge is in building profitable and sustainable businesses in this space [content for the visually impaired]. – Dilip Ramesh, Thinkerbell Labs

Organisations that are rooted in technology and committed to harnessing its full potential will be able to stay ahead of the curve by becoming more agile, resilient, future-ready businesses. – Samik Roy, Microsoft India

It is time to rethink global banking from the ground up. With an ever increasing global population, a global bank is the need of the hour more than ever. – Parth Garg, Vance

Challenges must be perceived as steps of a staircase you must climb to reach the top. – Vijayashree Natarajan, Omega Healthcare

Every company, every individual will have lots of many, many small failures. The trick is just do it faster, reduce the cost, and get your learnings out. – Ashish Kashyap, INDmoney

I feel like it’s sometimes the power of the universe and all kinds of synchronicity that bring these opportunities together. You just have to be always open to accept them and truly live your intuition. – Aashika Abraham Chittiappa, Mamma-Miya

Start small, and let giving become a way of life. It will truly help broaden your perceptions of the world. – Siddharth Ladsariya, Young Volunteers Organisation

YourStory has also published the pocketbook ‘Proverbs and Quotes for Entrepreneurs: A World of Inspiration for Startups’ as a creative and motivational guide for innovators (downloadable as apps here: Apple, Android).

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