Analytical Engine: A Comprehensive Guide(2021)

Ajay Ohri


The most sophisticated machine was never built. Charles Babbage (Analytical Engine Inventor), respected as the father of computing, assisted by Ada Lovelace, had an idea of doing complex mathematical calculations on a computer in 1803. But it wasnโ€™t successful, and hereโ€™s why.

In this article let us look at:

  1. Design
  2. Features of Analytical Engine computer
  3. Construction
  4. Instruction Set
  5. Influence
  6. Difference Engine
  7. Difference between Difference engine and Analytical engine
  8. Disadvantages andย Advantages of Analytical Engine
  9. Comparison to its early Computers

1. Design

What is the Analytical Engine? Think of a room-sized machine with 7 meters of length and 3 meters of height just to perform mathematical calculations, but it’s 19th century (History of Analytical engine). So this thing was divided into 5 units โ€“ called arithmetic logic unit (ALU), basic flow control, punch cards, and memory. It had a basic CPU like today’s Intelโ€™s chip which was alone capable of handling enough basic calculations, which are stored in thousands of 50 decimal values which were stored in 675 bytes of ram.

An average smartphone uses 4,000,000,000 bytes of ram. To read it later, the machine used to save this in punch cards with the help of an attached printer, a curve plotter, and a bell. Theย analytical engine computerย was powered by steam at that moment, and electrical appliances were made a lot after that. No chance that could be run by an electric motor.

2. Features of Analytical Engine computer

  • It uses an optimized memory as an integrated Analytical Engine.
  • The memory was a place where all the data is stored to perform all arithmetic operations and comparisons.
  • Babbage used brass fittings for the Engine.
  • In 1991 engine was finally engine was constructed but remain unrealized.

3. Construction

Though it was impossible at that moment to run it by electricity, later in life, Sir Charles Babbage tried to simplify things before his death. In 1878 the British government denied it to fund it because they were uncertain about the cost of manufacturing it. Madam Lovelace, known as the first programmer, used the punched cards to enter the binary to code to automate the mathematical process. It was the mainย analytical engine architecture. She used only zeroes and ones as the basic structure of coding, which is still used in the modern era.

4. Instruction Setย 

(Analytic Engine Architecture)The set used by Babbage isnโ€™t available as basic instructions, but a diagram showing how mechanical wheels tells us how he turned these into simple additions, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Later punched into cards. The machine had a printer for printing permanent records of evident programming, and thatโ€™sย how analytical engine works.

5. Influence

Babbage was one of the first people to recognize that there is an absolute need for algorithmic efficiency because it will give a new future to computer science. Later on, the principles of Sir Charles Babbage, many mathematicians like Percy Ludagate appreciated that Babbage was further from the technology in the 19th century. Vannevar Bush highlighted the problems in an analytical engine in his articles.

6. Difference Engine

Sir Charles Babbage and Johann Helfrich Von Muller also created a Difference engine in 1821 (even before The Analytical Engine) to solve polynomial coefficient functions. It basically solves exponential problems f(x) = x2 6. It removes the use of multiplication and division rather uses addition and subtraction. Analytical Engine is the successor of a different engine.

7. Difference between Difference engine and Analytical engine

  • Analytical Engines can solve any set of calculations with the help of a processor, punch cards, and a bunch of codes. While the difference engine is a mechanical calculator that was designed to calculate polynomial functions.
  • As Analytical Engine was an automatic mechanical computer, it was slow. On the other hand, the Difference engine was fast as it only requires manual entry.
  • As analytical engine computer was never actually build was never really actually it doesnโ€™t solve any problem. The difference engine, when fully functioned, solved many complex problems.

8. Disadvantages andย Advantages of Analytical Engine

Uses of the analytical engine

  • This engine used various loops and conditional in a programming language.
  • It has performance sources like ALUโ€™s, digitally formatted copies, punch cards, and chart plots,
  • It had a particular purpose, so it was defined as a Turing complete.


  • It remained incomplete as Sir Charles Babbage died.
  • It didnโ€™t provide a summary of its layout.
  • Because of its mechanical difficulty, it was never built.

9. Comparison to its early Computers

Although many countries tried their version of scientifically accurate computers, some failed, but some of them made history by contradicting the principles of Babbage.

  • Zuse Z4 (March 1995) made an electro Magnetically Mechanism thru binary floating-point, which was a program controlled by 35mm film stock.
  • ENIAC (US) electronically operated machine used decimal points like Babbage by program controlled patch cables and switches.
  • Manchester Baby (UK) electronically operated machine used entered in memory by a keyboard which is most related to today then all Machines.


The greatest Invention that never happened. Although itโ€™s not true, it was very advance according to its time nearly 185 years ago. Still, it laid the stepping stones for the modern world of technology.

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