What Jobs Can I Aim To Get In Analytics?

This is a question I get a lot from students.  Most people do a SAS course / Analytics course with the objective of a role or job change. And often the road ahead looks confusing. With a few years of experience the outlook looks even more muddled –

  • Will my prior work experience become redundant?
  • Can I compete with people who have been in Analytics from the beginning?
  • What salary can I expect?
  • How long will it take me to get a job?

With good planning and careful execution, the shift into an Analytics role can be very rewarding,both monetarily and as a career.

Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals. – JimRohn

(Read about Jim at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Rohn)

The FIRST STEP is to identify which jobs you will fit(In business parlance – Identify your target audience)Analytics is a large field and the jobs vary from Data Management to Predictive Analytics to Big Data and everything in between.  So please check the jobs currently on job sites/ Linked in / Google etc.  Look at jobs that at first glance seem interesting to you, and check if there is some overlap or connect to your current role (for example – you are an IT programmer and are looking at Big Data jobs, or you currently work in data warehousing and are looking at data analytics) . Download the job descriptions and store them for the next stage

SECOND STEP – See if your resume and expertise matches the Job Requirement / Skill Required in the JDs you have identified above. If yes, then highlight the keywords that the recruiter uses to make your resume match the job. Thus, you must customise your resume to match the type of job you are looking for. (In business parlance- Customise your product / offering to suit your customer)

If however there are many required skillsets that you do not have, then figure out how you can get your skill sets to match the jobs identifies. OR identify a different set of jobs that match your current expertise / skill sets!!
THIRD STEP – Create a set of reading material that you can brush up every week related to the jobs that you are looking for (see the Job requirement / Skill required section of the resume for this again ). Look at certifications that you can study for that will help you gain an edge over other candidates. So when a recruiter calls, you can do well in the telephonic first round. (In business parlance- Customer satisfaction matters)

With these basics in place, you are ready to conquer the world of Analytics. All the best!


If you are interested in making it big in the world of data and evolve as a Future Leader, you may consider our Integrated Program in Business Analytics, a 10-month online program, in collaboration with IIM Indore!


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