What is Cyber Security: Everything To Know in 6 Easy Points

Ajay Ohri

What is Cyber Security an introduction?

Cyber Security has become an essential part of every company. The need to protect your Data from outsiders has increased due to the amount of illegal hacking performed nowadays. Regardless of type, size, scope, or industry, every company that wants to survive must always be ready to defend and protect its essential data. The objective of Cybersecurity is to secure your data from all threats. 

If we talk about the Cyber Security background, malware and network breaches happen quite often and are used for malicious ends. But presently,  they are executed in a professional manner.

What is Cyber Security

The answer to – What is Cyber Security? – is that Cybersecurity identifies threats and safeguards information. There are many cybersecurity domains to work on. More and more young professionals are coming forward to learn about cybersecurity concepts and how Cybersecurity works.

This article contains all about CyberSecurity, its advantages, and the types of cybersecurity technology you can adopt.

  1. Definition of Cyber Security
  2. Why Cyber Security is Important?
  3. Why do we need Cyber Security?
  4. Challenges of Cyber Security
  5. What are the types of Cyber Attacks?
  6. What are the types of Cyber Security?

1. Definition of Cyber Security

Okay, so What is Cybersecurity all about, anyway? Cyber Security means the measures and techniques of protecting computers, networks, programs, and data from unauthorized/illegal access or attacks that are aimed at exploitation and loss. A few Cyber Security examples are coding, authorization, encryptions, network security, etc.

2. Why Cyber Security is Important?

Cyber Security is important as it protects our sensitive data and information, both government and industrial information systems, from misuse, theft, and damage attempted by hackers and criminals. 

3. Why do we need Cyber Security?

● It is essential to have good Cybersecurity in place because attacks like email spoofing and identity theft can cause a huge loss to a company. Cybersecurity prevents attackers from getting inside your systems and servers. It is one of the significant advantages of Cybersecurity.

● One of the needs of Cybersecurity is to identify threats and attacks in advance so that you can prevent and respond to such malicious acts before any significant damage occurs.

● New and upgraded versions are frequently adopted by hackers. They keep on updating themselves. If you fail to equip yourself, then there is a chance for them to win. So keeping updated Cybersecurity in place allows you to protect your data and at the same time, gives you a feeling of safety so that you can concentrate on other work freely.

Due to the increase in cyber attacks, the question of ‘why cybersecurity’ is being asked frequently, and thus,  it is becoming more popular and demanding day by day. If you want to last in this race, then you must have proper cybersecurity management in place.

4. Challenges of Cyber Security

  • Expanded Attack Opportunities for Hackers

    – Cybersecurity is dealing with the challenging rise in the overlap between the physical and virtual worlds of information exchange such as driverless cars, factories, smart TV, fridge, medical pacemaker, etc.
  • Complicated Regulation

    – The political discussions going on all over the world regarding data privacy and other related regulations create challenges for Cybersecurity.
  • Lack of IT Talent

    – A crucial challenge of Cybersecurity is the lack of talented and qualified professionals. Experts on Cybersecurity are challenging to find, and the people who are familiar with this expertise, and know-how valuable they are. Thus, they charge massive fees for their job that small enterprises may not afford.

5. What are the types of Cyber Attacks?

What is Cyber Security

List of the types of Cyber Attacks and Threats –

1. Phishing Attacks 

These kinds of attacks usually steal data, such as credit card details and login credentials. Spear Phishing attacks target a person or organization for desired information or data, and it is not a random pick.  Whale phishing aims at high profile employees like COO, CFO, etc., for data/information.

What is Cyber Security

2. Malware Attacks 

It is a code that affects a compromised computer without the knowledge of its user. Some of the attacks are:

  • Ransomware Attack

    – This attack blocks the data of the victim unless he pays a particular ransom but there is no guarantee that the hacker will keep his words after receiving the ransom. 
  • Drive-by attack

    – In this, the hacker or attacker looks for an insecure and weak website and plants a malicious script in HTTP or PHP on one of the pages. 
  • Trojan Horses

    – This kind of malicious software generally appears common and looks useful. This software encourages the victim to install it.

What is Cyber Security

3. Web Attacks

What is Cyber Security

  • SQL Injection– Malicious codes are employed to manipulate the backend database for information.

4. Cross-site Scripting

In this kind of attack, the hackers send malicious scripts into content from trusted websites.

5. Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack –

The objective of this attack is to shut down a network or service and make it impossible for the user to access it.

Some other types of Cyber Security Attacks are-

6. Password attack

The intention of obtaining or decrypting someone’s password illegally.

7. Eavesdropping Attacks

In this, the hackers try to steal the information that digital devices like computers, smartphones, etc., send or receive.

8. Inside Threats

These malicious attacks are done by the insider individual who is authorized and has access to the system.

9. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

The hacker controls the communication between the two legitimate parties. Communication between both parties goes on as usual, without knowing that it has been controlled and intercepted by someone.

10. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Attacks

Machine learning software enables the computer to perform a particular task on its own. Hackers can get into the system and make it work of their will. In Cyber Security terms, this can be attacked like password theft, identity theft, etc. 

6. What are the types of Cyber Security?

Five different types of security are:

1. Critical Infrastructure Security –

These kinds of Cyber Security techniques are used in modern societies, for example, in electrical grids, hospitals, etc. Here, physical systems and servers are protected from attacks to secure data and essential information.

2. Application Security

It is one of the must-have cybersecurity measures. Application Cyber Security works by using hardware and software to protect the data from threats that can come during the process of developing an application or software. Some of the Cyber Security software tools that help in preventing unauthorized access –

  • Antivirus programs.
  • Firewalls.
  • Encryption programs.

3. Network Security

           It is a type of Cybersecurity means, to make sure that inner networks are safe by securing the infrastructure and preventing any illegal access to it. Network administrators continuously add security and upgrade them so that no unauthorized personnel gets access to the network. Examples of network security are new passwords, extra logins, firewalls, etc. 

4. Cloud Security

It is a cybersecurity software that precisely focuses on the safety of the data stored in the Cloud. It requires less human resources and costs less as huge data centres are not needed on-premises.

5. Internet of things (IoT) security

To define Cybersecurity of this kind, physical devices like, sensors, wifi, and other devices that are connected to the internet are secured from unauthorized personals. Normally, these devices have very less security patches, therefore, securing them is of utmost importance.


We all know how dangerous these hi-tech Hackers are. But we can easily dodge their attacks if we have knowledge about the basics of Cybersecurity and have the right cybersecurity applications in place. There are many cybersecurity applications present that can secure your network, websites, and devices.  

As hackers keep on updating themselves, a company must have a proper and updated cybersecurity system and its technology, in place to avoid heavy financial loss and other related issues. Hope that article answered all your questions on Cybersecurity like, what is meant by Cybersecurity, the history of Cybersecurity, and its importance.

Do you want to learn more about Cyber Crimes but have no idea where to look for the right course? Jigsaw Academy’s Master Certificate in Cyber Security (Red Team) is all you truly need. The course is powered by HackerU, Israel’s Premier Cyber Security Training Provider, which is exactly why you should quickly sign up for this course.

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