This Data Scientist is Using Big Data to Analyze the Potential for Terrorist Attacks at 1,000 Pakistani Schools

I am always intrigued to see how varied and innovative Data Scientists are becoming. I would like  to share this recent article in datanami that features Data Scientist Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani, who is working with the United Nations to analyze the potential for terrorist attacks at 1,000 Pakistani schools.

The article talks about how Usmani uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the signals generated by about 200 different indicators, such as the weather, the day of the week, the presence of sporting events or major holidays, the existence of attacks in nearby countries, visits by foreign dignitaries, or blasphemous videos posted on social media, to predict terrorist attacks with 72% accuracy within a three day window. He can also with 92% accuracy determine how many people in a building will die and what kinds of injuries the survivors will sustain. That information can not only inform schools about the best way to place entrances, but it can tell emergency personnel what kinds of surgeries will need to be performed to have the best chance at saving lives.

A really interesting read for everyone interested in data. Read the full article here.

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