In Product Management, Agile software development redefines the way Product Managers think about planning and building products. Product Management enthusiasts must be well-versed in Agile methodology to perform well in Product Management job interviews. In this article, we have curated top 20 Agile Interview Questions to keep in mind while preparing for your job interview. Let’s discuss them without any further delay!
The following Agile interview questions and answers shall help you get a better understanding of Agile methodology in a short span of time. We have included Agile testing interview questions, Agile scrum interview questions, Agile coach interview questions and more! Let’s explore this dynamic list –
An agile tester can follow the below-mentioned strategy in the case of continuously changing requirements –
Exploratory Testing
Scripted Testing
An Epic is a customer-specified software feature itemized in the Product Backlog. An Epic gets subdivided into User Stories.
User Stories are prepared from the client’s perspective, defining project or business functions & it is delivered in a particular sprint as expected.
The User Stories are broken down into different tasks
Refactoring means modifying the existing code for improved performance. It is important to note that code-functionality remains unchanged during Refactoring.
The 4 Values of Agile Manifesto are –
Product Backlog
The Product Owner holds the Product Backlog. It contains a list of all required features.
Sprint Backlog
Created in the Sprint Planning Meeting, the Sprint Backlog is the Product Backlog’s subset. The Development Team owns it and commits to deliver it in a Sprint.
The 12 Principles of Agile Manifesto are –
Sprint Zero
Sprint Zero performs some research before launching the first Sprint. Mostly, we use this Sprint during the project, beginning for setting development environment, preparing product backlog and other activities.
Spikes are story-types used for Research, Exploration, Design, Prototyping and similar activities. We can categorize them into Functional Spikes and Technical Spikes. In between Sprints, you can take Functional or Technical Spikes for the work concerned with any design or technical issue.
Test-Driven Development (TDD) is also known as Test-Driven Design. In TDD, the developer first formulates an automated test-case describing a new function or improvement. Then, it produces tiny codes to pass that test and later refactors the new code to meet the defined standards.
Prototypes and Wireframes are prototypes that get employed as part of Empirical Design.
Application Binary Interface is a specification defining requirements for portability of applications in binary form across different system platforms and environments.
To track the project progress, we use Burn-up and Burn-down charts.
Burnup Chart
It depicts the growth of stories done over time.
Burndown Chart
It gives the amount of incomplete work overtime.
Scrum ban is a Scrum and Kanban-based software development model. It is specially designed for projects requiring frequent maintenance, having unexpected User Stories and programming errors. Using this approach, we can guide the team’s workflow, allowing the least completion time for every User Story or programming error.
A Story Point is a metric that Agile Project Managers and Developers use to estimate the implementation difficulty of a specific User Story. It is a number that informs the team about the User Story’s difficulty level.
A Tracer Bullet is nothing but a spike with the current architecture, the current best practices set, current technology set resulting in the Production Quality Code. It is not a throw-away code. Instead, it is a narrow implementation of the functionality.
A Test Stub is a small code replacing either an undeveloped or fully developed component within a system being tested. This short code’s design imitates the natural element by generating specifically known outputs and substitutes the actual component.
Continuous Integration serves to be integral for Agile for the following reasons –
The primary testing activities during Agile are Automated Unit Testing and Exploratory Testing. Still, a tester may execute Functional and Non-functional tests on the Application Under Test (AUT) depending on project requirements.
With this, we come to an end of our article covering Agile methodology interview questions for developers. Jigsaw Academy, and Indian Institute of Management, Indore, offer a 6-month online Postgraduate Certificate Program in Product Management. This extensive course comprises 180 hours of instructor-led mentorship and is the only program that conforms to the 5i Framework. With Bring Your Own Product (BYOP) and other interesting course-components, this Product Management program will undoubtedly give you an edge over your competitors.
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