The Role of Women in Analytics


Analytics is the process of taking existing data from a single source or multiple sources and using it to make a particular decision. The decision made should be the best or optimal decision. It (analytics) can be defined as a science of analysis.

Areas to use Analytics

Analytics is commonly used in situations where a realistic judgment is necessary. Adequate data sources, received from various factors of ‘real’ information, are required. The decision is then said to be made through the concept of analytics.

One of the most frequent uses of analytics is in the field of business. Data mining techniques and historical patterns can be used by researchers and managers to make predictions about the performance of a particular market or business. Analytics can also be utilized in the banking and financial sectors, specifically with regards to a person’s investments and interests.

Balances, risks, income and expenditures can all be processed to determine the best way and in what time frame a particular business portfolio can be realized. These business portfolios are mostly under management by certain businesses or institutions. These institutions use various aspects of data collection in finding appropriate finance combinations for particular individual or company interests.

Women in Analytics

The field of analytics has always been believed to be mainly dominated by men. Recently, however, a growing number of women have been witnessed in this field with some individual studies arguing they have taken over. These women are loosely defined as the Union of Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Science, Data mining, Machine Learning and Text Analytics.

According to some sociologists, women make a lot of decisions determining the participation of certain households in various social and economical projects. Health care, educational and cultural decisions are some of the decisions largely made by women. These decisions can be considered as extremely important as far as a society is concerned.

In various parts of the world, the role of women can be the key to reducing gender inequality, providing for the need of women and families and ending centuries of discrimination against them. Working in analytics, they can act as role models and a motivation to other women and people in general. They encourage others to work harder to realize a better future despite the tough conditions set upon them.

Sociologists also claim that women process information, prioritize and plan in a highly commendable way. This may be highly beneficial to any workforce, and in particular, to analytics. As has been defined, analytics require a lot of concentration and organization, thereby making women good analysts as per recommendation of these sociologists.


In conclusion, evidence points to the fact that women play a significant role in analytics. Their inclusion in the learning and nurturing of the analytics field is therefore of big importance. In the direction in which the society is headed, it goes without saying that women should be included in whichever field of study they are interested in as it not only proves their significance, but also promotes sustainable development.

About Jason Holmes:

I am Jason Holmes. Besides being a regular contributor of guest posting work, I own and run a pharmacy blog. Actually, the main reason for coming up with this site is you. I had you in mind and knew that if you get in touch with me, you would become the best and professional pharmacist in the end. I have worked with many agencies and I know the nooks and the crannies of pharmaceutical aspects you would want to get to know as an aspirant. Do not wait; join hands with me as soon as you can.

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