Google Cloud Anthos: A Detailed Overview In 5 Points


Anthos is an application deployment and management tool recently introduced by Google in April 2019. Anthos is developed by Google in partnership with hardware partners like CISCO, DELL, HP, EMC, NetAPP, and It is a 100% software solution for enterprises that want faster modernization and greater consistency in a hybrid and multi-cloud world.

Studies show that the majority of the organizations use the cloud in some way, but only 10% of their workload is moved to the cloud, and 90% is in the local data centre (on-premise) for which they make huge investments. Moving to a cloud platform might be the way to go, but organizations still prefer a hybrid cloud environment. Moving to the cloud means modernization and re-engineering of their existing applications. For this purpose, we need a platform that works in the cloud and on-premise and provides the benefits of an open eco-system. The platform should be consistent across those different environments to seamlessly move workloads from public clouds and on-premise infrastructure. 

  1. Google Cloud Anthos features
  2. Components of Google Cloud Anthos
  3. Anthos Platform
  4. Future
  5. Pricing

1. Google Cloud Anthos features

Anthos has features that can benefit enterprises in multiple ways:

  • Google Anthos is a platform designed to allow users to run applications on-premise. It is service provider agnostic, and not just works with Apple Cloud Platform but with AWS, Azure, and others as well.
  • It is an open-source project built on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) that manages container services for its cloud platform. Given its open platform, Anthos provides the flexibility of running an application unmodified on the public cloud or on-prem hardware simply and securely.
  • It is built on a set of open technologies; hence vendor locking can be avoided.
  • It is designed to give a consistent user experience across Kubernetes platforms. Users can now focus on a single technology and gain operational consistencies across hybrid and public clouds.
  • Google Anthos provides the benefit for auto-scaling, where you only pay for your usage by resizing the number of nodes based on traffic.

2. Components of Google Cloud Anthos

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) lies at the core of Anthos and is the control and command centre for the service. 

GKE On-Prem and Anthos Configuration Management Console enable unified policies and administration across hybrid and multi-cloud deployments.

GCP Cloud Interconnect manages high-speed connectivity between cloud infrastructure and enterprise data centre.

Stackdriver aids observability, centralized monitoring, and logging.

Istio Service Mesh facilitates federated network management throughout the Anthos platform.

Velostrata, a cloud migration acquired by Google to augment it for Kubernetes.

3. Anthos Platform

Google Anthos cloud is not a single product but an umbrella brand covering multiple services. These services cater to cloud migration, application modernization, and hybrid and multi-cloud management. Different services on the Anthos platform include

Network and Security Operation: It is used for policy & configuration management, security controls & compliance in public clouds and for on-premises.

Platform operation: It is used for centralized cluster management and for providing consistent services across multiple Kubernetes environments.

Application Operation: It is best suited for hybrid environments. It includes cloud run for Anthos, serverless tools, Apigee, and continuous integration tools.

4. Future

It seems that Google Anthos Cloud will have the edge over other cloud computing platforms in the coming times. It gives the flexibility to users to run and deploy their applications from anywhere, either a cloud service or their own data centre. This helps an enterprise to shift workloads between multiple cloud providers and not locked with one. The unified dashboard provided by Anthos hides the complexities of a multi-cloud environment by combing the performance tracking, logging, and policy functions of each. By launching Anthos, Google has shown its commitment towards the open-source with a focus on reliability and flexibility.

5. Pricing

Google Anthos is available with 2 pricing options:

Subscription pricing with a committed term of 1 year. The listed monthly subscription of $10000 per 100 virtual CPUs covers all Anthos deployment regardless of the environment. There is no adjustment in this charge for under-usage. However, over-usage attracts an extra charge on your monthly bill. Clients have an option of adjusting their subscription at the time of renewal basis their usage. This cost does not include the core infrastructure on Google’s cloud, and neither is the support included.

Pay-as-you-go pricing, where users are billed for Anthos managed-clusters per their usage at the listed rates.

New customers have an option of taking a free trial period of 30 days or $900 worth of usage, whichever comes earlier.


This new service will soon emerge as the preferred platform for running enterprise workloads. For faster success in the enterprise world, it is imperative to reduce the complexity of IT, which Anthos can do for you. Be it software development, or container management, traffic management, or security functions, Anthos can make things simple to manage. It is set out to redefine the Cloud Native Ecosystem. The hybrid multi-cloud offering can open up avenues for service provides or system integrators, be it start-ups or MNCs.  

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