Cloud Computing Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide In 5 Points


Cloud computing Architecture is simple, flexible, and can data can be shared, stored, and maintained through cloud computing architecture. A VPN or a simple internet connection provides access to cloud-based services and applications such as Netflix, Skype, or Google docs. The companies use cloud computing architecture due to its high storage and bandwidth benefits. The data stored on the cloud can be accessed by users from any corner of the world.

Cloud computing has become very popular amongst the business due to its benefits. Users can also subscribe to vendor services through the cloud’s payment structure. Cloud infrastructure is normally paid on a pay per use basis only

  1. What is cloud computing?
  2. Cloud Computing Architecture
  3. Components of Cloud computing architecture
  4. Benefits of cloud computing architecture
  5. Cloud Computing architecture components

1. What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing can be referred to for all kinds of services such as storage, analytics, software, database, and other cloud components that can be accessed through the internet. To be precise cloud computing is the delivery of demand service and resources through the internet or any service that can be delivered without being physically present near the hardware

 To name a few cloud infrastructure architecture providers are Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon web services, IBM cloud, VMWare, Rackspace cloud, SAP, Salesforce, Oracle, etc

2. Cloud Computing Architecture

Cloud computing concepts technology & architecture is used by small and big organizations for storing the information in the cloud and then have access through the internet from anywhere and anytime. It is a combination of event-driven architecture and service-oriented architecture.

Cloud computing architecture comprises of two parts namely:

  • Front End

The front end cloud computing infrastructure includes client-side interface and applications that are required for cloud-based services. Cloud infrastructure includes software and hardware components such as virtualization software, server, data storage, etc, and Graphical User Interface required for performing respective tasks.

The front end platforms include servers, mobile devices, tablets, fat and thin clients, servers, etc

  • Back end

The back end is a support required for running and monitoring the programs and applications on the front end comprising of huge data storage servers and systems. It is a backbone of the entire cloud platform architecture

3. Components of Cloud computing architecture

Cloud architecture in cloud computing depends upon the following major components of Cloud computing architecture:

  • Client Infrastructure

It is a front-end component in the form of a Graphical User Interface for interaction with the cloud.

  • Application

Any platform or software that the client asks for is termed as an application

  • Service

Cloud service model architecture manages the client’s requirement for the type of service it wants to access. Three different types of service are:

A) Software as a service (SaaS)

Also called cloud application service these applications run directly with the web browser. One need not install or download these applications. The example include Cisco WebEx, Hubspot, Slack, Salesforce Dropbox, Google Apps

B) Platform as a service (PaaS)

It provides a separate platform for software creation, hence is called a cloud platform service. The functions are similar to SaaS. The examples comprise OpenShift, Magneto Commerce cloud,, Windows Azure

C) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Also called a cloud infrastructure service, this service manages application data, runtime environments, middleware. Examples of these services are Cisco Metapod, Google compute engine, Amazon web services EC2

  • Runtime cloud

The runtime environment and execution to the virtual machines is provided by runtime cloud

  • Storage

The vital component of this entire process is cloud storage architecture. A large amount of storage capacity for storing and managing data in the cloud is required

  • Infrastructure

The components of the software, as well as hardware that includes virtualization software, network devices, storage, servers, other storage resources that are required for cloud application architecture, comprise infrastructure. The services include network level, application level, and host level. 

  • Management

For managing components such as infrastructure, storage, runtime cloud, service, application, other security issues for backend, and for establishing co-ordination management is essential

  • Security

The cloud computing security architecture is an in-built back end component and provides a security mechanism throughout the back end

  • Internet

The front end and back end communicate and interact among themselves through the internet.

4. Benefits of cloud computing architecture

The design of cloud computing architecture has a wide variety of benefits such as:

  • The data processing requirements are improved and also the latency issues are solved
  • With better access to data and digital tools, the IT operating costs are reduced considerably
  • The cloud resources of the business scale up and down easily
  • Due to the flexibility, the business houses have an opportunity of competitive advantage
  • High security and better disaster recovery are the unique features associated with the cloud reference architecture
  • The services are updated automatically
  • Remote working, as well as team collaboration, is highly encouraged with a cloud computing architecture

5. Cloud Computing architecture components

The important components of cloud computing architecture are briefly discussed as follows:

  • Hypervisor

The hypervisor is a virtual machine monitor that provides Virtual Operating Platforms and manages guest operating systems. A separate virtual machine that consists of hardware and software performs division and allocation of resources

  • Management software

For enhancing the performance of the cloud the management software monitors and manages the cloud by applying several strategies. The other operations include compliance auditing, contingency plans, disaster management

  • Deployment software

All the essential configuration and mandatory installations for the running of cloud computing architecture are through deployment software. Each and every cloud service has to go through deployment software. Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, Infrastructure as a service is the components of deployment software

  • Network

The connection between the back end and front end and access to cloud services is through the network. The users customize and connect protocol and route through the network.

  • Cloud Server

This is a kind of virtual server on a cloud computing platform. This type of server   is cost-effective, secure, and highly flexible

  • Cloud Storage

Data stored on cloud storage can be accessed and stored by the user over the internet from anywhere. This makes it automatically accessible and scalable on a run-time basis. Data can be easily retrieved through cloud storage and also modified over the web


Cloud computing architecture provides the opportunity to organizations and business houses to securely building applications and using cloud services as per the requirements. The flexibility of work, access to data remotely and all through the web, team collaboration, data processing, digital tools, higher security, disaster management makes cloud computing the latest technology highly preferred and recommended by users. Also, a wide variety of entertainment is possible due to this technology. There are numerous courses available for mastering and seeking in-depth knowledge of cloud computing.

If you are looking for an extensive course in Cloud Computing, then the 5.5-month online Postgraduate Certificate Program In Cloud Computing offered by Jigsaw Academy can be of help. This program helps interested learners become complete Cloud professionals.

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