Grid Computing vs Cloud Computing: Types and 6 Differences


If you are a beginner and are stepping into the technological world for the very first time, there is a high chance that you would not know the various aspects of computing and the major difference between its two eminent types – grid and cloud. If you wish to venture into the designing world and need a central system for information retrieval and performing tasks then either of the above-mentioned computing types works out perfectly in your favor. Read on to get a better understanding of computing and its applications in this difference between grid and cloud computing article.

  1. What is computing?
  2. Grid computing?
  3. Types of grid computing?
  4. Cloud computing?
  5. Types of cloud computing?
  6. Grid computing vs cloud computing?

1. What is computing?

Computing is based upon a set of principles and ideas that work in a hierarchical way ultimately giving way to some kind of technology depending on the process undertaken to do the same. The technologies thus produced can be ever-evolving or constantly climbing the complication ladder but the underlying ideas behind them remain the same. Computing is an essential characteristic of today’s highly complex world that requires down the line and fast interpretations to match everyone’s goals and desires.

2. Grid computing?

Grid computing works out perfectly for sorting or arranging large amounts of data that is either bundled up wrong or needs to be spaced works on the concept of many hundreds of interlinked and networked computers that work like stacked-up software and handle the work like a supercomputer. It acts as a lender of efficient software computers that one can use for a specific amount of time, even paying if necessary, to basically get rid of the otherwise tedious task of employing individual software and front end – back end links for performing a given task.

Grid computing offers a top tier method for people from a non-technological background to get their work done with speed and precision. Since there are a number of computers involved in the advancement, the run time of each task and therefore the time is taken in giving out the desired result gets reduced a great deal to reduce wasted resources. Thus, the bottom line of grid computing is combining and deploying the efficiency of many hands to reach the main is based on a processor grid computer that works on conjugated networks.

3. Types of grid computing?

The various types of grid computing are based solely on the task at hand as well as the understanding of the user.

Data grid – helps to handle, manipulate, discover and publish big masses of data that might be stored in several heterogeneous systems

Collaboration grid – helps in efficient combining of various data resources

Network grid – is important for better working of software since it increases the fault tolerance of a certain network and also helps to multiply the productivity of a given system

Utility grid – gets its name from the fact that it not only provides a service for handling data and calculation cycles but also the software involved. Centralized to and fro movement of information being sent by the clients is an essential service that this type of grid computing provides.

Information grid – used mainly for business apps and provides peer to peer servings

Service grids – essentially provide a blend between the grid connections and the web-related application involved. A perfect amalgam of the physical and software-based components.

4. Cloud computing?

A cloud in the simplest terms is nothing but a network used for information retrieval or for uploading the same. Serverless computing that involves the extraction of information by the user from the internet through web-related searches without actually having to interfere with the management of data is termed as cloud computing. It consists of an extensive IT infrastructure that serves as a means for easy and competent retrieval of information from the internet.

Collecting the manipulated, configured and accessed hardware and software components remotely are basically termed as cloud is a more recent transition in the technological world but serves all purposes with great precision. It is responsible for making the application more collaborative because it offers platform independence, one does not need to physically install the software locally.

5. Types of cloud computing?

The types of cloud computing are based on their deployment services.

Public cloud – made easily accessible for the general public but the security aspect is a little less efficient because of the vast reach and openness of this type of cloud.

Private cloud – generally works out best for an organization, business, or any integrated and individual working environment. security is more tightened as compared to the public cloud.

Community cloud – allows data to be retrieved by a number of similar organizations

Hybrid cloud – a blend of private and public clouds in which the important activities are performed on the private cloud and the others on the public cloud.

6. Grid Computing vs cloud computing?

The key points of difference between cloud and grid computing are: – 

A) Architecture: –

Whereas cloud computing a more client to server and vice versa computer architecture, grid computing follows a more distributed form of architecture to meet the end objective.

B) Resource: –

Since cloud computing doesn’t have many computers involved in the same task, it maintains the resources centrally in contrast to grid computing where the resources are managed based on the collaboration pattern. Moreover, grid computing makes all the data available in the virtual platform but cloud computing restricts the accessibility of resources to a certain application directly.

C) Functioning: –

Grid computing works on the simple principle of dividing and distributing the available resources into small tasks that every computer on the grid has to work with. When the individual tasks are completed and arranged accordingly, the data goes back to the main machine. Cloud computing however works on a need basis. Whenever there is a need for resources, the central system distributes the resources and takes them back when the work is done.

D) Flexibility: –

cloud computing turns out to be more flexible in terms of its applications and efficiency as compared to grid computing because cloud computing provides a wide array of information that many people need but grid computing mostly works out for academic researchers since a vast amount of data can be pooled and handled with utmost precision.

E) Payment and set up: –

This is one of the key differences between the two types of computing. Cloud computing does not require any form of setting up of software whereas, in grid computing, installation of the software component is essential and has to be done locally. Users pay for the resource upon using the cloud in cloud computing but they need not pay any amount once the initial set up is complete in grid computing.

F) Accessibility: –

Cloud computing renders more accessibility in comparison with grid computing but mostly because of the difference in the end-users that use the two kinds of computing.


After reading this article we hope you have a better understanding of the topic and the role computing plays in today’s complex and ever-transforming world.

If you are looking for an extensive course in Cloud Computing, then the 5.5-month online Postgraduate Certificate Program In Cloud Computing offered by Jigsaw Academy can be of help. This program helps interested learners become complete Cloud professionals.

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