Importance of Cloud Computing in 2020

Ajay Ohri


To put it in extremely simple terms the “cloud” is just a metaphor for the Internet. So also, cloud computing can simply be described as the process of storing, managing, and accessing data from the Internet rather than on a local server or a personal computer. 

Cloud computing has now become increasingly popular and is just as useful for individuals as it is for businesses and organizations. So, what’s all the fuss about and why is cloud computing so important?

Importance of Cloud Computing

 There are various reasons for which cloud computing has become a buzz word and is increasingly gaining importance. In fact, it has seen the fastest adoption into mainstream life than any other technology in this domain. The importance of cloud computing in today’s world stems from this process of being able to solve several problems faced by the average user and large organizations alike. 

For an individual user, the importance of cloud computing can be found in using services like Google Drive and Apple iCloud. The use of these services allows documents, contacts, pictures, and a whole lot more online. This saving space on your local device and negates the need for having several external hard drives. It also doesn’t matter if you are using your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop, once your data is stored in the cloud, you can access it on any device and from anywhere. 

The importance of cloud computing is equally seen in instant messaging or communication between a group of individuals using their own devices. Platforms like Slack, Workplace by Facebook, and Microsoft Teams are examples of these. 

Many of these services have free versions that are available to individual users. This makes it easy on the pocket and offers a great way to explore options, before deciding which part of the “cloud” you want to use. 

Meanwhile, over in the business space importance of cloud computing in e-commerce has never been more highlighted than in our current situation. With more and more users turning to click-and-buy as an option for everything from groceries to electronics and flower bouquets to clothes, the importance of cloud computing has only increased exponentially. 

One of the major features of cloud computing that benefit both large and small businesses is speed.

A study conducted by a company that provides cloud services found that 40% of online shoppers will abandon a webpage if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. In addition, 79% of online shoppers who are dissatisfied with website performance are less likely to buy from the same site again.

With statistics like these, is it any wonder that the importance of cloud computing in e-commerce is gaining momentum?

But, it isn’t just the e-commerce businesses that benefit from cloud computing. The strategic importance of cloud computing in business organizations is undeniable! And yet, despite all the proven advantages, a large portion of the business community continues to operate without it. However, those businesses that have started using cloud computing report better business efficiency, better service to customers, and an obvious increase in their profits. 

The Importance of Cloud Computing lies in the many Benefits that this process offers:

1) Scalability: Cloud computing allows you to use as many or as few resources as you need. Therefore, depending on your business needs or projected traffic to your business you can choose to increase or decrease your investment in IT infrastructure

2) Saving Costs: Cloud computing helps businesses to reduce costs in various ways. Companies only pay for the resources they use, making this process a more economical option than having to buy and manage their own resources. Cloud computing also results in considerable savings in Capital Expenditure and Operating Expenditure because companies do not have to invest in expensive hardware, storage devices, software, etc. 

3) Disaster Recovery: With all data stored in the ‘cloud’ backup and recovery of data and applications is quicker and more reliable. This applies to all sizes of organizations and volumes of data. 20% of cloud users claim disaster recovery in four hours or less as opposed to only 9% of non-cloud users. 

4) Security: It is the duty and responsibility of the cloud service providers to carefully monitor security. Compare this against an in-house I.T. department, for example, which is tasked with so many internal processes to manage; security is just one of the many items on the list. 

5) Flexibility: When using cloud computing the number of options is vast. Depending on the size of the organization, business needs, workloads, etc. companies can choose cloud infrastructure and services accordingly. 

The Strategic Importance of Cloud Computing lies in the following:

1) Accessibility and Increased Collaboration: Cloud computing allows anyone, anywhere in the world, on any device to access the data stored. You only need an internet connection! What better way to get employees spread across geographical areas to collaborate on projects and assignments? 

2) Automatic Updates: Businesses do not have to go through the pain of manually updating and upgrading software and applications. The cloud service provider used usually maintains and updates software regularly.

3) Increased focus on Core Business: Given that cloud service providers take care of managing and updating cloud infrastructure, businesses can pay more attention to their business strengths; allowing them to grow and scale their businesses.

4) Competitiveness: Cloud computing is a transformational technology that has helped organizations across sectors deliver their products and services in a better way than before. Also, having to spend less time, effort, and money on I.T. resources allows businesses that use cloud computing to pay more attention to the business and respond better to changing market conditions; as opposed to those who haven’t yet understood the importance of cloud computing in business organizations.

As with many virtual processes today, the importance of cloud computing will only increase in the future. Cloud computing is set to be the new normal for both businesses and individuals. Cloud computing will help with future problems like managing large amounts of data, cybersecurity, and quality control. 


With so much focus today on caring for and saving the environment for a better tomorrow, organizations looking to cloud computing is a big step forward. Hosting on the ‘cloud’ is more environmentally friendly and results in a smaller carbon footprint. Using the ‘cloud’ helps organizations to cut down on hardware, reduces paper waste, and since it allows accessibility from any location with an internet connection, it reduces emissions related to travel and commuter movement. 

Given all its benefits, the importance of cloud computing only seems to set to increase. This seems to be the most opportune time for businesses of all sizes and every level to get their figurative heads up into the cloud!

If you are looking for an extensive course in Cloud Computing, then the 5.5-month online Postgraduate Certificate Program In Cloud Computing offered by Jigsaw Academy can be of help. This program helps interested learners become complete Cloud professionals. 

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