Choosing the best open-source platform that can help with your journey into the cloud can be challenging. Why? You have many choices, and this number is only going to get bigger in the years to come. Two key players in this market are openshift and open stack. That means the search for openshift vs OpenStack is extremely high! It is important for you to understand where each has an edge. Also, to ensure that your business chooses the right technology for the completion of tasks.
So, what and why use openshift? Openshift comes with a web console, command-line tools and IDE support. The web console is meant to simplify the overall application development process. Managing resources and controlling applications is extremely simple using the web console of openshift. Also, openshift supports continuous integration with third-party tools like Jenkins. This means, all your cloud deployments can be automated and performed in iterations using openshift. In case you are using openshift for the first time, it’s prebuilt templates will be highly useful and recommended. Open shift management becomes simple and seamless with these templates.
On the other hand, open stack works with components. There are five components to choose from. Nova, Horizon, Neutron, Cinder and Keystone are the five open stack components that can help you with open source cloud development. Nova is a component that takes care of resource provisioning through bare metals and VMs. Neutron is necessary for network connectivity and provisioning. Cinder is a storage facility that supports with the mounting of devices. Horizon is a dashboard that allows users to manage all their openstack components. Keystone is a security component for authorisation and authentication.
The battle between red hat openshift vs openstack is rather interesting. Here are a few major differences between these platforms.
Open stack doesn’t invest on containers. Much of the operations in openstack are handled using VMs. This includes VMWare Hypervisor, Xen and KVM. Openshift relies on containers. It is important for you to understand dockets and Kubernetes if you want to use openshift.
Openstack had distributed data Centers, which are controlled from a single point. It never relies on a global cluster of storage or resources. Ceph, Glusterfs and few other third-party tools are used to manage storage. Openshift uses Kubernetes to handle the clusters. It strongly relies on this technology. Master nodes are created to manage the other distributed nodes. The worker nodes are responsible for communication in the network layer.
Both openstack and openshift are meant to function well with the cloud. Openstack is designed to work with all cloud service providers, ranging from azure to AWS to Google Cloud. On the other hand, openshift is a platform as a service facility. Though it works seamlessly as a PaaS, it works independently. This is why openshift can be used to create native cloud services. These services can be hosted along with any cloud resource.
These are a few of the major differences between openstack and openshift. They are designed uniquely to cater to the needs of open source deployment. During deployment, in both these environments, you need to stress on storage and how data is shared across resources. And, you must invest in automation of devices, processes and resources in both these platforms.
On the whole, openstack, openshift and any other cloud deployment platform is meant to make your business operations easier. These are enterprise-level solutions, which have taken care of automation, security and even continuous integration with tools like Jenkins. When you pick openstack or openshift, ensure that it blends with your current technologies.
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