Data Analytical Skills Are Important to Global Employers hiring MBAs

The Graduate Management Admission Council® (GMAC®) 2012 Corporate Recruiters Survey of 636 global employers who plan to hire new MBAs and other master’s business degree graduates revealed that large majorities want their recruits to have strong data analytical skills. With markets constantly evolving and customers responses constantly changing, companies want to hire individuals, with a wide depth of experience and skills, so that they can digest and interpret huge volumes of data effectively. They want them to be able to use this data to bring recommendations that influence the business positively. Integrated reasoning skills are needed in almost all levels of business, and today companies expect that their new recruits demonstrate and prove that they have these critical skills during the recruitment process itself.

In this link recruiters from top companies like Ernst & Young, Intel and Liberty Mutual, outline just why they look for strong data analytical skills when recruiting MBAs.

Image courtesy to renjith krishnan at
Image courtesy to renjith krishnan at
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