Want to Find out What Skills you Need to Become a Data Scientist?


Get your answers to this and many other questions about Data Analytics and a career in Data Analytics. Join Jigsaw Academey’s Q&A session this Saturday at 10.30 am IST and clarify any questions around an analytics career or specifically about our courses.

We recommend viewing the pre-session videos so that you get more time with the expert to ask specific questions.

To watch the pre-session videos, please register for our FREE TRIAL.

Now for a quick introduction to Jigsaw Academy:
We are India’s leading online analytics training company. Our courses are acknowledged by the industry as the “best in class” in the field of business analytics.
Session Details:
Topic: Q&A session on career in  Data Analytics & Big Data
Location: Jigsaw’s virtual classroom (Online)
Timing:  8:00 PM IST onwards, 4th June 2015 (Thursday)
Please see instructions to attend the Q&A session on 4th June 2015, 8:00 PM IST onwards.
1. Click on the following link :  https://jgs.aw/jawebinar
2. You will get to a login page: please enter your name and click on Login  as a guest option –  see image below:

3. If you have any trouble logging in or for further queries, please call this number +91-9019217000 or write to us at info@u-next.com
4.The minimum requirement for internet speed is 256 kbps. However, we would strongly recommend high speed internet connections (1 Mbps or above) for some of the later classes that involve remote sharing.
You can download the latest flash player here for free: https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/You can download Java Runtime Environment 1.6 here for free:
To gain free access to our Jigsaw Learning Centre please Click Here
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To learn more about Jigsaw’s Data Science with SAS course – click here.
To learn more about Jigsaw’s Data Science with R course – click here.
Download brochure here.
To Learn more about Jigsaw’s Big Data Course – Click here
Download brochure here.
Sample class recording – Click on this link to view the recording of one of our classes. This will give you a feel of the virtual classroom.

Look forward to seeing you at the session.

Related Reads:

Meet Jigsawite Rachit Khanna… Badminton Champion, Analytics Enthusiast who made a Career Shift into Data Analytics

Jigsawite Clarence Wong’s Open Letter to all Those Interested in an Analytics Career

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