Nitroboost Your Career with Analytics

The analytics and data science sector has seen a tremendous boost in the past few years and the influx of professionals from Non-IT domains has seen a consistent rise. With analytics and data science being used in almost every business process, it’s no wonder that it seeing a never before scale of adoption by enterprises. A career in analytics has been called the ‘Sexiest Job of the 21st Century’ and the ‘Job with the Best Work-Life Balance’. This is also a reason why many women are now seeing it as a comfortable job that also has amazing career prospects. Joana Colaso is one such woman. She has over 6 years of experience in Operations, Process Transitioning & Management, Client Servicing and Quality Assurance. She decided to change tracks to pursue a career in analytics, and in a tête-à-tête she talks about her story thus far and what she hope to do in the future.

Tell us a bit more about your professional experience.

I am a Commerce graduate and a Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt professional and currently am a Senior Agency Development Manager with a leading insurance service provider. A better part of my career has been spent in the Finance sector where I dealt with data and analytics but not at a technical scale. I worked across different sectors before I finally decided analytics is the way to go for me.

How did that happen? Why did you decide to make that transition?

I had been hearing about business analytics for a while from co-workers and senior colleagues and when I went through what it entailed, I realized this would be a perfect jump for me. A career in business analytics was at the intersection of my managerial skills and analytics training, which I realized I needed to pursue this as a full-fledged option. I did my due diligence of growth and career opportunities and once I understood what was on the other side, I knew that this was what I wanted to do. The next step was to check how to make the transition.

How did you go ahead from there?

I went through various programs and curriculums in Pune and Bangalore before I zeroed in on the Executive Program in Business Analytics by Jigsaw Academy and MISB Bocconi. The facility to continue working while I study was a very big factor for me to opt for this program. I will have to take only 6 days of leave for my contact classes and my work life will not be affected. The curriculum seems much more hands-on than the other programs I had evaluated and the program also has guest lectures by industry experts which will be a great learning experience for me.

As I eventually wish to work outside of India, the program will give me access to international faculty and I know that Bocconi’s degree is internationally accepted and accredited. Coupled with my understanding that Jigsaw Academy is the best place for analytics training, this program seemed like the best fit for me and now I am excited to see where this takes me.

Give your career a boost with the Executive Program in Business Analytics

What is your next step?

I’m going to begin the program soon and I really look forward to it. I’m sure it will come with its fair bit of challenges but right now I’m focussed on the bigger picture and hope to complete this course successfully so I can begin my career as a Business Analyst.

Suggested Read

Why choose a Jigsaw Bocconi EPBA program over analytics courses offered by Business Schools?

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