What are the advantages of an instructor-led course from Jigsaw Academy?

Jaishree Ravi

Recognized as the No.1 institute for data science training in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014 and 2013, Jigsaw Academy helps professionals find their career path in Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Big Data and Internet of Things. We started out as an Online school of Data Analytics, but soon started offering courses in other formats such as Corporate In-Person programs and weekend bootcamp programs. For our courses offered online, individuals sign up and opt for either of two formats namely the self- paced or an instructor-led course format.

In self-paced format, students obtain access to our Jigsaw Learning Centre for a designated period (4-6 months). Course content is made available in the form of videos and other training material in the form of pdf documents. The students can progress through the course at their own pace. At the end of each module, the students are required to take up self-assessment quizzes and assignments. Our Jigsaw Learning Centre keeps track of the student’s progress in terms of the number of videos watched or the assignments completed.

Instructor-led format follows a fixed schedule of live classes conducted by our Jigsaw faculty, in addition to the pre-class videos that are part of the Jigsaw Learning Centre. All sessions are recorded and hence the students can also replay the recorded sessions from the Jigsaw Learning Centre, in case they are unable to attend live sessions. Live Question Answer sessions are conducted to clear any doubts that arise while watching the videos or attempting the quizzes and assignments. As part of Instructor-Led Format, the placement team helps in writing your resume effectively by highlighting experience and skills important for Data Science jobs. 

In the past, we have observed that a majority of students who opted for self-paced learning could  not finish the course due to various reasons including decreased engagement & motivation levels, lack of self-discipline, lack of time management and constant need of hand holding from time to time.   Since the videos can be watched at whatever time the student chooses, that training period gets extended exorbitantly. In this kind of format, there is no interaction between the learner and the trainer other than the ticketing system. Question asked by the learners get replied to at a longer time than instructor-led courses. 

Instructor-Led Training on the other hand, is a guided program where a trainer teaches, students watch and learn in real time. The trainer gives a live immediate answer to any doubt that arises, and changes the learning method if need be. As there is a lot of human interaction in this method the learning points are better understood, and the student takes a shorter time to complete the course.

Another advantage of instructor-led training to self-paced training is that in online classes, the instructor takes up a real-life case study and applies all the concepts learnt in the pre-class videos. In self-paced format, the pre-class videos are pre-recorded and may not be up to date with upcoming technology trends.

Hence Instructor-Led Training works better if course completion and certification is a necessary requirement.

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