Cloud Management: An Easy 6 Step Beginner’s Guide

Ajay Ohri


With an ever-increasing amount of data being made available via Cloud Computing, the management of Cloud Computing systems is bound to become an important vocation of the future. Learning about the management of Cloud resources provides you with insights about how the Cloud works and the various key factors that can be fine-tuned to make it perform better. As a Software, Computer Science, or Information Technology professional, learning about Cloud Management will add the extra edge to your profile and allow you to future proof your skillset in an ever-changing world.

In this article let us look at:

  1. What Is Cloud Management?
  2. Types of Cloud Provisioning
  3. Benefits Of Cloud Management
  4. Tools Of Cloud Management
  5. Components Of Cloud Management
  6. Cloud Management Challenges

1. What Is Cloud Management?

In simple words, the management of cloud-based products and services is known as Cloud Management. Users who are given admin access to the cloud have control over all aspects of the cloud. These admins can then oversee and regulate the various tasks related to the cloud, including deployment, tracking, integration, and analysis, enabling the cloud to work efficiently. Management of Cloud resources combines strategies and software and hardware technologies to provide a legible and cohesive process that improves the Cloud’s working.

2. Types of Cloud Provisioning

There are three significant types of Cloud provisioning, mentioned below.

• User Self Provisioning: 

In this type of provisioning, the user purchases the required Cloud service from a provider, as in the open market. These types of transactions can be done through a normal web interface.

• Dynamic Provisioning: 

In this type, the user is provided with Cloud resources and required. The provider can also choose to withdraw dormant resources.

• Advance Provisioning: 

In this type, the total amount of Cloud resources required by the user, as well as the time they are required for, are mentioned in advance. In effect, the user blocks the use of these resources for themselves, paying a subscription fee in return.

3. Benefits Of Cloud Management

Cloud System Management has several great benefits to the user as well as the provider. These are listed below.

• Cost: Cloud Management can help improve the cost-effectiveness of the Cloud Computing systems and applications considerably, in turn, causing the cost of the system to drop both for the owner and the end-user.

Flexibility: Cloud Management standards can help make the service more flexible for the end-user. The users may choose the service settings and configurations required for their specific needs and only pay for the resources they use.

• Delivery Time: The most critical benefit of a Cloud Management portal is that it greatly improves the user’s service delivery time. In most cases, delivery is instant.

• Security: A Cloud Management layer helps improve the security of the Cloud and detect breaches, thereby increasing customer trust in the service.

4. Tools Of Cloud Management

Among the most important decisions to be made when setting up the Cloud Management system is choosing the Cloud Management platform and tools that are going to be used to manage the Cloud. What is a Cloud Management Platform? Cloud Management Platform-tools provide different benefits and features to the admins. In general, each of them can have different impacts on different types of Cloud services. The end goal of the admin is to help improve efficiency, decrease the cost, and elevate the permanence of the Cloud service, and the tools chosen must help with each of these. Below, you can see a list of the most used Cloud Management tools, some of which have become a Cloud Management icon.

• Google Cloud Platform

• Amazon Web Services

• Microsoft Azure

• Embotics VCommander

• VMTurbo Operations Manager

5. Components Of Cloud Management

There are various components associated with Cloud Management software. All of them must work perfectly for the service to perform well. These components may be divided into three parts – components for automation, components for performance, and components for compliance.

Components for automation are the elements that govern the working and orchestration of the system. These are the following.

• Application Migration

• Instances

• Configuration Management

The components for performance decide the overall efficiency of the system. The following are the components for performance.

• Storage

• Network

• Application

• Computer

The components for compliance govern and ensure the compliance of the system. The following are the components for compliance.

• Audits

• Service Governance

• Resource Governance

Cloud Management Security

One of the main features of any Cloud system is its security features. Cloud Management mechanisms can ensure that multiple security layers protect the Cloud services so that there are no data breaches or access without authorization. The service user can also add to this security by assigning strong passwords to their accounts at all levels. This synergy between the user and the service provider can go a long way in making the Cloud system completely foolproof.

6. Cloud Management Challenges

The service provider can face various challenges during Cloud management mechanisms. Let us discuss a few Cloud system management challenges. The data produced might require long hours of cleaning before analysis, and hence shortcomings may be difficult to detect immediately. The hardware related to Cloud system management is often costly and needs to be leased, meaning the service provider cannot customize it. The Cloud Computing management system must be set up systematically so that issues are easy to diagnose.


Cloud Management is among the most vital features of any Cloud-based system. It must be set up and maintained with care. This article acquainted you with the meaning of Cloud Computing management and its benefits. It also introduced you to generally used Cloud Management tools and Cloud Management platforms. If you are looking for an extensive course in Cloud Computing, then the 5.5-month online Postgraduate Certificate Program In Cloud Computing offered by Jigsaw Academy can be of help. This program helps interested learners become complete Cloud professionals.

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