Applications of python


We live in a digital era entirely controlled by sequences of code. Every business application, from healthcare to defense to finance to research, relies on software to perform properly. We have various programming languages that help in software development. Python has become one of the most used programming languages. It’s used for everything from machine learning to website development and software testing. Python has developed everything from movie recommendation systems to self-driving vehicle software to social media applications.

Let’s look at what Python is all about and Python applications in the real world in a detailed manner. 

What makes Python applications so good?

Python is an enthralling programming language. Businesses increasingly realize they can make huge money if they build their business applications in Python. Here’s what makes Python so incredible: 

Simple syntax 

  • Python has a simple, crisp syntax that is easy to understand. It enables even novices to collaborate on complicated software development projects as the team can seamlessly work on the coding front.
  • Python’s basic coding style makes test-driven development easier for all applications.

Highly Scalable

  • Python is popular among businesses because of its scalability, and it can easily manage traffic.


  • Unlike other programming languages, Python’s practical applications are not restricted to android or mobile development.
  • It’s a popular choice for web development, desktop GUI, gaming, enterprise-grade, e-commerce, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and much more.

Applications of Python in the real world

Python is an amazing web development tool for business applications. It is more than what strikes the eye. It is a robust programming language for building various applications.

  1. Web application development
    – Web application development is unquestionably one of the most useful applications of Python.
    – Python has various real-world applications in web development. It gives applications security, ease, and scalability.
    – Python provides a plethora of web development frameworks that allow for quick app development. Python has become a helpful tool for web applications because of Django’s dynamic development features. The framework includes standard libraries, which reduces development time and gives the web application more time to market.

  2. Data Science
    – Data science is rising to the top of the list of in-demand skills. It is one of the essential domains for Python programming applications.
    Python modules such as Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and others assist you in working with data and extracting important information and insights.
    – Data scientists must understand how to extract and process data using Python. It enables people to view the data using graphs. Matplotlib and Seaborn are used to visualize data.
    – Python is considered an important programming language that data scientists should master. It is a prerequisite for working with research and data-driven firms.

  3. Artificial Intelligence
    – Machine learning and artificial intelligence are two of Python’s most intriguing practical applications. Python is a reliable and secure programming language capable of handling the calculations necessary for constructing Machine Learning models.
    – Using the programming language, developers can quickly create algorithms. Python offers a large library collection for Machine Learning applications. SciPy, Keras, Pandas, TensorFlow, NumPy.
    – Python language applications in AI solutions include advanced computing, data analytics, picture recognition, text & data processing, and much more.

  4. Game development
    – Python programming is widely used in game development. There are libraries that are extensively used in the production of interactive games.
    – Python packages such as PySoy and PyGame are used to make games.
    – Python enables game creators to create tree-based algorithms used to generate different levels in a game. Multiple requests must be handled at the same time in games, and Python excels at this. It allows developers to install a 3D game engine, which assists in designing advanced games and interfaces.
  5. Internet of Things
    – Another real-world application of Python is in the internet of things. With the use of Raspberry Pi, developers transform any object into an electrical device using the Python programming language.
    – The advantage of Python for IoT application development includes creating embedded software, allowing high-performance applications on smaller objects to work with the programming language.
    – Developers can use Python apps to do high-level computations with the help of Raspberry Pi. Developers can transform ordinary things into smart gadgets.

  6. Web Scraping
    – Web scraping of enormous volumes of data is increasingly being used by businesses to extract vital consumer information and make sound judgments.
    – This real-world Python program comprises scraping massive numbers of websites and web pages to gather data for a specific purpose. It can be a job posting, a pricing comparison or detailed information.
    – Selenium, PythonRequest, and MechanicalSoup are some of the Python programming tools used to create web scraping applications.
    – Python has simple code; therefore, building software that can supply volumes of data is not complicated.
  7. Desktop GUI
    – Python offers a compelling framework for creating apps and can function with many operating systems.
    – It offers powerful text processing tools and simple syntax, allowing developers to create Desktop GUI programs easily.
    – PyQT, Kivy, and PyGUI are toolkits and frameworks to get you started with Python for Desktop GUI development.
    – Python allows developers to construct fully functioning GUIs while reducing development time.
  8. Education programs
    – Python programming is widely used in building educational tools and online courses. Python is a great programming language for beginners, with a short learning curve and a wealth of resources.
    – Python’s syntax is close to English, making it a simple programming language for novices.
    – Professionals use Python to create leveled education programs and training courses.

  9. Enterprise-level application
    – An enterprise-level business application has accessibility, flexibility, and customization. These apps must be easily integrated with legacy systems.
    – Python makes it ideal for creating enterprise-level business systems. A python programming enterprise can swiftly construct enterprise-level commercial applications utilizing technologies like Odoo and Tryton.

    Some real-life applications built with Python

Python is used to create a wide range of apps, including social media applications, cloud sharing applications, cab booking applications, video streaming applications, and many more. Here are some well-known Python applications.

  • Dropbox 
  • Netflix
  • Uber 
  • Spotify
  • Instagram
  • Reddit
  • Pinterest


Python is an efficient and compact programming language that is steadily gaining steam. It has been the core of the most incredible technology, such as Artificial intelligence, automation, and machine learning. I hope this article has helped you understand the top applications of python in the real world. 

Learning Python is a must to become a professional application developer. But there’s a lot more to it! Explore the Full Stack Development course being offered by UNext Jigsaw Academy. Lean from industry leaders and enjoy a placement guarantee.


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