Java Tutorial For Beginners


Java-enabled general-purpose computers, mobile devices, and other handheld gadgets are a part of everyone’s daily life now. As a result, we can see that Java is one of the most widely used programming languages today. Therefore, our Java for beginners tutorial is here to educate the audience en masse.  

We shall now move forward in this Java Tutorial for beginners blog by explaining each aspect of Java. 

Why Should You Learn Java? 

There are more than 9.6 million Java developers, and it’s for good reason that it’s not as new and exciting as other languages, such as Python. Java is a fairly easy language to learn in many mobile and desktop applications and also has plenty of easy tools for beginners and developers.  

Java programming for beginners tutorial is beneficial if you are interested in computer science or would like to improve your programming abilities. Are you interested in learning Java but unsure if it’s right for you? Read on to find out why. 

Advantages of Java 

Let’s learn the advantages of Java that make it such a beloved language of programmers: 

  • Java is Straightforward
    Compared to alternative programming dialects, it is incredibly simple to program, compose, gather, analyze, and learn. Due to Java’s complexity, it makes use of programmed memory portions and trash collection. 
  • An Item-oriented Approach 
    It allows you to create reusable code and standard projects. 
  • Platform-independent Java Code
    The JVM must be installed on the machine in order to run the application, but it doesn’t require any unique programming to be introduced. 
  • The Java Programming for Beginners Language Is Widely Used
    It provides an instrument for dividing data and projects between numerous PCs, which improves the framework’s presentation and capability. Java is a dispersed language, and dispersed handling in Java is bolstered by the RMI (Remote Method Invocation). 
  • A secure Java Environment
    The pointer is not unequivocal. Moreover, the entrance of classes is characterized by a security administrator. 
  • Distribution of Memory
    Memory is divided into two sections in Java, one for storing data and another for stacking data. Every time we declare a variable, JVM allocates memory from a stack or pile. It is made possible by retaining and reestablishing the information without any difficulties. 
  • Multithreading
    Multithreading in Java helps gain a better understanding of the capacity of programs to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. 
  • Garbage Collection Is Automatic in Java
    A Java executive has programmed memory controlled by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). When articles are no longer used by programs and no longer refer to anything. 

Features of Java 

Java has become a popular and useful programming language because of its excellent features. The Java features are called “Java Buzz Words.” 

Sun MicroSystems officially describes Java with the following list of features: 

  • Object Oriented
    Everything is an object in Java. Its foundation in the Object model makes it simple to extend. 
  • Platform Independent
    Java is compiled into platform-independent byte code rather than platform-specific machine code, unlike many other programming languages like C and C++. The Virtual Machine (JVM) on the platform it is being run on interprets this bytes of code that are distributed around the internet. 
  • Simple
    The goal of simple Java is to make it simple to learn. It would be simple to grasp OOP Java if you understood the fundamentals. 
  • Secure
    Java’s secure feature makes it possible to create virus- and hacker-free systems. Public-key encryption serves as the foundation for authentication methods. 

Java tutorial for beginners: Learn Java Programming 

This Java tutorial for beginners includes what Java is and how Java is installed. The OOPs concepts, classes, objects, arrays, strings, command-line arguments, garbage collection, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, constructors, and packages are also explained. Also covered in this Java tutorial for beginners guide are switch-cases, functions, multithreading, swing, files, APIs, Java Spring, etc. 

Java OOPs tutorial 


Objects are entities that have states and behaviors. Chairs, pens, tables, keyboards, bikes, etc. An example would be a physical object or a logical one. Objects are instances of classes. Memory is occupied by objects that contain addresses. Communication between objects is not limited to knowing the details of their data or code. Message type and response type are the only things that matter. 


Classes are collections of objects. In other words, it is logically defined. It is also possible to define a class as a blueprint from which an individual object can be created. Classes do not consume space. 


The process of inheriting a parent object’s properties and behaviors occurs when an object inherits its properties and behaviors. Reusability of code is provided by inheritance to achieve polymorphism at runtime. 


Performing the same task in different ways is known as polymorphism. Drawing a shape, triangle, rectangle, etc., for example, can help you convince your customer in a different way.Polymorphism is achieved in Java by overriding and overloading methods.Speaking something is another example; for instance, a cat meows, a dog barks, etc. 


Abstraction is the process of hiding internal details while displaying functionality. As an example, we do not know how a phone call is processed internally. Abstract classes and interfaces are used in Java to achieve abstraction. 


It is known as encapsulation when code and data are bound together (or wrapped) into one unit. A capsule, for example, is filled with different medicines. An example of encapsulation is a Java class. All data members in the Java bean are private, so it is a fully encapsulated class. 


In programming, the coupling means that one class is aware of or depends on another class. Classes become aware of each other when they are aware of each other. The class’ details are available to the other class in a class with strong coupling. Private, protected, and public modifiers indicate class, method, and field visibility levels. Because there is no concrete implementation for weaker coupling, interfaces can be used. 


Components that perform a single well-defined task are generally considered cohesive. A highly cohesive method is used to accomplish a single, well-defined task, and less cohesive methods break the task up into smaller parts. It has interfaces and classes relating to I/O, which makes it a highly cohesive package. The java.util package, however, has unrelated classes and interfaces, making it weakly cohesive. 


Relationships between objects are represented by associations. It is possible for one object to be associated with more than one object. An association between two objects can take four forms: 

  • One to One 
  • One to Many 
  • Many to One, and 
  • Many to Many 

There are two types of associations: unidirectional and bidirectional. 

Java Exception Handling Tutorial 

Java’s Exception Handling mechanism is one of the most powerful ways to handle runtime errors so that the application can continue to function normally. The Exception Handling mechanism handles runtime errors, such as ClassNotFoundExceptions, IOExceptions, SQLExceptions, and RemoteExceptions. Maintaining normal application flow is the core benefit of exception handling. We need to handle exceptions because they disrupt the normal flow of the application. 

Java Collections Tutorial 

Collections in Java provide an architecture for storing and manipulating groups of objects. A Java Collection can perform all your operations on a data set, such as searching, sorting, inserting, manipulating, and deleting. Objects are grouped into collections in Java. Many interfaces and classes are included in the Java Collection framework, including Sets, Lists, Queues, Deques, HashSets, and LinkedHashSets. 

Tutorial on Annotation, Enum, and Regex 

The enum data type enables variables to have predefined constant values, and a predefined value must be assigned to the variable. A compass direction will have the values of NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST, while the day of the week will have the value of the number 7. 

As a Java annotation, you can indicate some additional information that can be used by the java compiler and JVM in the form of data attached to classes, interfaces, methods, or fields. 

XML and Java marker interfaces can both be used with annotations in Java to provide additional information. 

Java Regex is an API that lets you define patterns to find or manipulate strings. 

Many string constraints are defined using this method, such as password validation and email validation. 

Miscellaneous Core Java Tutorial 

Typically, a string is composed of characters; e.g., “Hello” is composed of five characters. Strings are immutable objects in Java, meaning they cannot be changed after being created.  

The thread is the smallest, lightest component of a process that can run concurrently with the other components (other threads). Exceptions in one thread do not affect the execution of other threads since they all follow separate paths of execution. There is a common memory shared by all threads in a process. Multithreading entails executing multiple threads at the same time. 

In serialization, an object is converted into a stream of bytes that can be stored in a file, transmitted through a network, or written to a database. The reverse of serialization is de-serialization. Serialization refers to converting an object into a stream of bytes, and de-serialization refers to rebuilding the object from the stream of bytes. With the Java Serialization API, you can perform serialization and de-serialization of data. The class must implement the interface in order for it to be serialized. 

Java 8 Tutorial for beginners 

With Java 8, JAVA programming language development has reached a new level of sophistication. In March 2014, the first version of the application was released. New APIs for date time manipulation, new streaming APIs, and functional programming support were released with Java 8. 

Introducing new features 

  • Java now supports functional processing with lambda expressions. 
  • By using method references instead of invoking functions directly, you can reference functions by their names. Functions can be used as parameters. 
  • The default method is an interface that has an implementation to provide a default method. 
  • Compiler tools and utilities such as ‘jdeps’ are added to help identify dependencies. 
  • An API for stream processing has been added to facilitate pipeline processing. 
  • A new date-time API has been added. 
  • The importance of handling null values properly can be emphasized as an optional feature. 
  • Nashorn, a Java-based engine, performs the input and output of JavaScript code.  

Java 9 Features 

A number of new features have been added to Java 9 by Oracle. As a result, it includes a variety of improvements to Java programming, JVM, tools, and libraries. The following are the main features that we will cover in this tutorial. 

  • System for Platform Modules (Project Jigsaw) 
  • Methods that are private to the interface 
  • Resources that can be tried out 
  • Classes with an anonymous name 
  • Annotation @SafeVarargs 
  • Methods for creating collection factories 
  • Enhancement of the process API 
  • Scheme for Version-Strings 
  • JShell (Replacement Execution Language) 
  • Improvements to the process API 
  • Admin Panel 
  • Improvements to the Stream API 
  • Enhancements to the installer for Microsoft Windows and many other platforms 

Java Input/Output Tutorials 

Developers can make their code more efficient by taking advantage of Java’s APIs. It is one of those APIs that allows users to read and write data through Java IO API. In other words, Java IO enables the users to take in inputs and produce outputs based on those inputs. The input to almost every program or application is followed by the output produced based on the input. Here is a Java IO tutorial to get you started. 

Using Java I/O (Input and Output), the input can be processed, and the output can be produced. I/O operations are made faster in Java by using streams. The package handles input and output operations. With Java I/O API, we can handle files. 


Java is a very versatile programming language because it can be used to program applications for web, mobile, desktop, and other platforms. Java has many features that make it quite versatile as well, such as dynamic coding, security, platform independence, network-centricity, etc.

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