What’s Exciting, Useful and Gives you Exactly the Kind of Information You Need to Hear?

Its Social Media(SM) Day! Of course, SM needs a dedicated day of it’s own! In so many ways, SM has changed the way we live, communicate and do business. It has brought the world closer. So many of us use some form of social media or the other everyday, to voice our opinions, protest, say hi to our loved ones, submit a report to our boss, or even market our business. We are an impatient society, hungry for social contact and social media platforms are proving that indeed our souls are thriving in cyber space.

As a special acknowledgement of this day and the significant impact social media has made in all our lives, and in particular in the analytics sphere, Team Jigsaw would like to today share their list of top 5 Social Media Analytics Tools, tools that are exciting and useful and that give you just the insights you need and more . The below are not in any particular order of preference, we love them all and find them all very exciting and interesting!

    1. Followerwonk is a super interesting Twitter analytics suite. It shows you detailed breakdowns of your followers and activity, and also analyzes where your followers are located and gives insights like when they are most active. You can also get similar insights about people you follow and compare your social standing to competitors, across a lot of criteria.
    2. Facebook , one of the most popular SM platforms, has quite naturally their own popular SM analytics tool:  Facebook Insights. This tool will give you a full rundown of your engagements, and can be accessed by all admins. It gives insights with respect to comments your posts receive, as well as click-through traffic your shares generate.
  1. Buffer is another free tool that can get all the major engagement statistics for each and every update you post on all the major SM platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. They claim to fame is simple. You just add updates to your Buffer queue and it will be posted for you well spaced out over the day – and at the best times. The metrics, allow you to choose to review your posts by the most clicks, retweets, likes, or whatever other metric you’d like to see.
  2. Cyfe  lets you create a custom dashboard filled with stats from an array of marketing tools. Their social media section lets you sync up all the major platforms and pull overview reports or individual reports for the accounts you manage and the accounts you want to follow. They offer over 50 widgets for Facebook page alone, insights that cover your overall metrics, stories, reach, impressions, clicks, check-ins, likes, views, and posts.
  3. And perhaps it’s fitting to end our list with the granddaddy of them all Google Analytics. It is most widely used to analyze website traffic and can show you how much traffic, the quality of that traffic (things like average time on site, bounce rate) and conversions your website gets from social media. You can also review referral stats on your social media marketing, as well as choose to add goals to your tracking, to see the direct impact of social on your targets and overall plans as well.

Social Media analytics can be a very interesting career choice. Find out more about how, as a social media analyst you can unleash The Power of Social Media Analytics.

And oh yes…Happy Social Media Analytics Day!

To find out more about how to get trained as a data analyst

Related Reads:

DNA Quotes Jigsaw’s Social Media Analysis

Social Media Analytics : Transforming the Way Businesses Function

Image courtesy: freedigitalphotos.net

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