Why the Attention Web or CPH is Causing Much Excitement in the Web Analytics World


Like many things the ‘Attention Web’ or ‘Cost per Hour’ metric began as an idea. Now it is official and one of it’s first users, the Financial Times has begun experimenting with it to analyze the effectiveness of ads on its website and mobile app. 

This idea is revolutionary and is sure to cause much debate and a little bit of chaos in an industry that has been  successfully measuring results by traffic, unique visitors and clicks.

Also called ‘Active Exposure TIme ‘, CPH uses time to measure value. An article in Fortune says that FT has shown through extensive testing that brand familiarity and recollection among readers increases significantly the longer an ad is in view. Adverts seen for five seconds or more on FT.com show up to 50% higher brand recall and familiarity than ads that are visible for a shorter period of time.  Simply put, what is measured (by tracking  mouse movements and other interactive data) is the time an active user is actually seeing an ad, not just  whether a page has loaded or is viewable on screen.

Do you think, many more companies will buy this idea and begin using this metric to measure the impact of their advertising? Does it offer greater brand impact than impressions alone? Are web analysts excited or apprehensive about this new technique?

Write in with your thoughts…we would love to know what you think.

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