A Quick Guide to HR Operations For 2021

Ajay Ohri


Human resource is one of the most essential and complex assets of an organization. Human resource professionals deal with both the persons and processes performed by them. The human resource department in an organization has HR operations managers who are responsible for ensuring that the day-to-day functions of the organization are being performed by the operational level worker and employees as per the specifications of the higher management. Human resource professionals make efforts to align the functioning of their department with the overall objectives and goals of the organization.

In this article let us look at:

  1. What are HR operations?
  2. How Human Resource operation look in each department?
  3. Main goals of HR operations

1. What are HR operations?

Theย HR operationsย include programs, processes, and policies covering the organization’s life cycle. The recruitment of suitable employees, performance management, answering the employeesโ€™ queries and grievances, administration services, leaves management of employees all are included in the human resource functions. The human resource department works as a medium of communication between the employees and top-level management. The human resource operation managers are also required to ensure that there is a healthy work environment in the organization. If there are any conflicts, then are resolved as soon as possible.

2. How Human Resource operation look in each department?

The scope of human resource professionals’ work is wide-spread as they are involved in all level of activities of the organization. The practices and way of handling employees at a different level and department varies from level to level and department to department. Below is a description of how HR operations look in each department:

  • ย Sales department: The human resource operation in the sales department involve hiring appropriate sales personal depending upon the long-term or short-term needs of the organization, deciding their work profile, managing performances and ensuring that the right people with the right skills are recruited and maintained in the sales department. It also involves training and learning initiatives for the existing as well as the new employees.
  • Marketing department:ย The marketing department in an organization is responsible for introducing the products and services of the organization in the market, understanding the customersโ€™ needs, create and maintain brand value, monitor trends and competition in the market. Therefore human resource operation in this department needs to maintain a database of talented candidates with innovative skills to whom it can reach out, at times when there is the launch of a new product or need to expand the marketing of an existing product. In the marketing department, the human resource also needs to consider whether the employees are to be appointed on a full-time basis or as a freelancer.
  • Customer Service department: The customer service department of an organization directly interacts with the customer; therefore, it is necessary that the customer support executives must provide accurate information to the customers. The human resource operation in this department is responsible to hire the right candidates with a convincing and soft-spoken attitude. Here the human resource department also keeps track of the quality of services delivered by the employees to the customer.ย 

3. Main goals of HR operations

The human resource operation managers aim at improving the day to day performance levels of the employees and aligning their work with the strategic direction of the organization as a whole. The main goals of the human resource operation are:

  • Ensuring smooth functioning of day-to-day operations: The human resource operation managers can identify any possible chances of conflicts that can interrupt the smooth functioning of the day-to-day operations in the organization. They continuously monitor the human resource activities of different departments and take proactive actions to deal with any risk or issue.
  • Maintain and improve employee relations:ย The human resource operation managers strive to keep both people and processes on track. They have to show empathetic behavior towards the employees, support the employees in different departments and keep them motivated to perform best.
  • Perform HR best practices: The experience and knowledge gained from working with the human resources employed at different departments and levels of the organization on a day-to-day basis give an insight to the human resource operation managers on how they can improve and perform best HR practices. The goal is to guide human resources to grow at a personal level and also contribute to the growth of the company.


The happiness and prosperity of the employees and workers have a direct impact on the success and growth of the organization. The human resource professionals shall ensure that the employees feel free, have a sense of job satisfaction and job security. The human resources shall be adequately rewarded with the increase in overall turnover and profitability of the organization. The activities and operations performed in alignment and integration with the organizational strategy can create maximum value for the organization and its human resource.

Are you interested in learning more about Analytics in Workforce Management? Take a look at ourย People Analytics and Digital HRย program, in collaboration with IIM Indore. This is a 3-month long program with instructor-led sessions by IIM-I faculty.


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