Things to do Before Choosing an HR Analytics Course

As another year comes to an end, most of us are busy making resolutions and setting goals for the next year. While some of us are still wondering how an entire year managed to slip by, others are hopeful and positive about bringing in changes to their life and career next year. For those you who working towards a good change, we suggest you keep your career growth as your first priority next year. 2017 was crucial in terms of employment and upskilling and 2018 will be more important.

As data keeps gaining importance and seeps into almost every department and aspect of our lives, the need for data scientists and those who can take informed decision on anything by simply looking at data will be in huge demand. To make sure you go to the next level in your career, you need to be ready to take up higher responsibilities and niche tasks. You should be able to pull off things what others canโ€™t and for that, you need the right exposure and training. So, if youโ€™re an HR associate looking to grow up the ladder and make your voice heard in organizational decisions, you need to let data do the talking.

You need to upskill to HR analytics and start talking to data to make a difference. But choosing an HR analytics course can be difficult. With the niche being new, itโ€™s hard to set a benchmark to take up the course. However, we present to you some crucial aspects you need to look for when choosing an HR analytics course.

The Right Foundation

Data analytics in HR is relatively a new concept or rather a new application. What institutions and most colleges in India teach in Human Resources is basic and way different from how companies work and should work. So, most of us donโ€™t have the right exposure to data analytics, pattern recognition, proactive problem solving and more. Most of still think data science is too complex to find a place in HR and that it requires higher prerequisites. All these are just misconceptions. The basics of data analytics and how it can be used to make HR processes and workflows better can be learnt with the right foundation and exposure. So, thatโ€™s the first thing you should look for in an HR analytics course โ€“ one that teaches you the basics and lets you understand the concepts and then build on it gradually.


Statistics is crucial for data analytics and a lot of tasks related to number and data crunching revolve around this field. So, your course should either help you brush up your knowledge on statistics or introduce you to the concepts and make you familiar with how statistics goes a long way in HR analytics. Your course should also teach you advanced statistical concepts and make you work on practical application of the concepts you learn. The more you work on real-life data sets, the better your approach and output on your job will be.

Predictive Analytics

Courses can teach you to come up with prescriptive solutions for concerns companies face. For instance, a department in a company facing concerns on poor productivity over the last four weeks can be quite simple for data scientists to work on and come up with remedies and corrective measures. However, anticipating retrenchments for the next 90 days and taking proactive measures to control them and managing hiring and training is what needs exposure and practice. Your HR analytics course should prepare you for predictive analytics and make you deliver results before crisis hits your workplace. Thatโ€™s what data is for!


Your role as an HR analyst doesnโ€™t end after you immediately pinpoint problems and come up with solutions. Your job starts from there. What you see from your data and interpret is your expertise and people outside your niche wonโ€™t understand the reasoning behind it. You need to have good communication skills to convey your inferences and findings in a way anyone involved in a workflow can understand. Your findings are valuable only when they are understood by everyone in your team. So, your course should also teach you how to visualize your data and weave a story around it to efficiently convey your insights and make business impact.

When youโ€™re looking for an HR analytics course, make sure it meets all these requirements so you can shine in your workplace and be backed up sound technical knowledge on what you do. If there is anything else you would love to see in an HR analytics course, share your thoughts on comments below!

Start with theย Full Stack HR Analyticsย course today.

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