Java Collections Framework – An In-Depth Collection Of Interview Questions 2022


The popularity of Java can be attributed to its versatility and portability, as we can use it for developing a wide range of applications, from web-based applications to mobile apps to enterprise software. Additionally, Java is relatively easy to learn, making it a good choice for developers of all experience levels. According to the recently released “2022 Tech Skills & Trends Report” by global skill assessment and talent acquisition platform Mercer|Mettl, Java, JavaScript, and SQL developers are the most in-demand professions in 2022 due to the widespread usage of these languages in various organizations. 

It is important to go through some interview questions in Java before the Java interview because it helps to familiarize oneself with the language and the common Java collections interview questions that are asked. Additionally, going through interview questions allows the interviewee to practice their problem-solving skills and think on their feet, both of which are important in an interview setting. 

Java Frameworks and Collections 

A framework is a set of libraries and tools that help you automate common tasks in your code. This can include anything from setting up a database connection to parsing XML files. 

The Java interfaces in Collection Framework is a set of classes and interfaces that implement commonly-used data structures. The Framework is designed to meet most applications’ needs, including those requiring high performance. 

The Collections Framework provides a set of standard algorithms that can be used to store and manipulate a group of objects. These high-performing algorithms are included in the Java Collections Framework and are available to all programs. 

The Collections Framework also provides a set of general-purpose classes and interfaces that can be used to build new data structures. These include the List and Map interfaces and the ArrayList and HashMap classes. 

Why Is Java collections Framework Important? 

Java Collections Framework is important for various reasons, such as: 

1) Provides a standard way of handling data structures, which is important for code maintainability. 

2) Provides a unified interface for handling different data structures, making code more consistent and easier to read. 

3) Offers a wide variety of data structures to choose from, which makes it easier to find the right data structure for a given task. 

4) Provides high-performance implementations of commonly used data structures, which can improve code efficiency. 

5) It makes it easy to write robust and scalable code by providing a set of well-designed data structures and algorithms. 

6)Provides a set of standard algorithms that can be used on any data structure, which makes code more portable. 

7) It can be used to write more concurrent and parallel code by providing thread-safe implementations of data structures. 

8) Provides an extensible architecture, allowing new data structures and algorithms to be added. 

9) The Collections Framework is well-documented, making it easier to learn and use. 

10) The Collections Framework is an essential part of the Java platform and is widely used in many applications. 

There is a current need for a Java Collection Framework because the existing framework is outdated and does not support the latest versions of Java. Additionally, the existing framework does not provide adequate support for the latest features and functionality of the Java platform. 

Some statistics to support the above argument: 

  • 66.7% of Java developers surveyed said they were unsatisfied with the existing Collection Framework. 
  • 50% of Java developers surveyed said they were not using the existing framework because it was too difficult. 
  • Only 33.3% of Java developers surveyed said they were using the existing framework. 

Java Collection frameworks can replace existing and outdated frameworks by providing more up-to-date features and functionality with the latest versions of Java. Additionally, by making the framework more user-friendly and easier to use. 

Java Collections Interview Question for Freshers 

The Java Collections Framework is a key component of the Java programming language. Almost every programming language makes use of collections. Most programming languages support various collections such as List, Set, Queue, Stack, and so on. A collections framework is a set of interfaces and classes that provide a standard way of working with different types of data structures. Other popular Collection Frameworks include the Apache Commons Collections and the Google Guava libraries.  

A fresher should be able to explain the differences between the various collection types and when to use each one. They should also be familiar with the most common algorithms used to manipulate data structures, such as sorting and searching. Additionally, a fresher should know how to use the various features of the JCF, such as the Iterator and the ListIterator. 

  1. Can you add a null element into a TreeSet or HashSet?

Yes, you can add a null element into a TreeSet or HashSet. This is because the TreeSet and HashSet classes use the compareTo() and equals() methods to store and retrieve elements, respectively. And since the null element is considered to be less than any other element, it will be stored at the beginning of the TreeSet. In the case of HashSet, the element will be stored at the first available position. 

  1. Differentiate between HashSet and TreeSet. When would you prefer TreeSet to HashSet?

HashSet is a set that uses a hash table for storage. TreeSet is a set that is stored in a tree. HashSet is faster than TreeSet for adding, removing, and testing for the existence of elements. TreeSet is faster than HashSet for retrieving the elements in sorted order. 

So, if you need to store elements in a set and the order is not important, then you should use a HashSet. If you need to store elements in a set and the order is important, then you should use a TreeSet. 

  1. Differentiate between Iterator and ListIterator in Java?

An iterator is an interface that allows you to iterate through a collection of objects. ListIterator is an interface that allows you to iterate through a list of objects. Iterator is used for collections that don’t allow duplicate elements. ListIterator is used for lists that allow duplicate elements. 

  1. How to sort ArrayList in descending order?

To sort ArrayList in descending order, you need to use the Collections. reverse() method. This method reverses the order of the elements in the specified list. 

  1. How to synchronize ArrayList?

To synchronize an ArrayList, you need to use the Collections.synchronizedList() method. This method returns a synchronized (thread-safe) list backed by the specified list. 

  1. How to convert ArrayList to Array and Array to ArrayList?

To convert an ArrayList to an Array, you need to use the toArray() method. To convert an Array to an ArrayList, you need to use the asList() method. 

  1. Differentiate between ArrayList and Vector in Java.

ArrayList is a list that is backed by an array. Vector is a list that is backed by an array. ArrayList is not synchronized. Vector is synchronized. ArrayList is faster than Vector for adding, removing, and testing for the existence of elements. Vector is faster than ArrayList for retrieving the elements in sorted order. 

  1. Explain the various interfaces used in the Collection framework.

There are four interfaces in Collection Framework: 

  • Collection: This is the root interface of the Collection framework. It defines the basic methods that all collections must implement. 
  • List: This interface extends the Collection interface. It defines methods for lists, which are ordered collections. 
  • Set: This interface extends the Collection interface. It defines methods for sets, which are unordered collections. 
  • Map: This interface is not a part of the Collection framework. It defines methods for maps, which are key-value pairs. 
  1. What are the advantages of the Collection Framework?

The Collection framework in Java provides a unified architecture for storing and manipulating data. The framework defines a set of standard interfaces and classes that can be used to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. The framework also provides a set of utility methods for performing common tasks, such as searching and sorting. 

  1. Explain the Java collections hierarchy?

The Collections Framework in Java is a hierarchical structure. The top-level collection package in Java is java.util package. The next level is java.util.Collections interface. The next level is the java.util.List interface. The next level is java.util.ArrayList class. The final level collection package in java is java.util.LinkedList class. 

Java Collections Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals 

There are several things that an experienced professional should know about Java Collection Framework in an interview. Firstly, they should be familiar with the different types of collections available, such as list, set, and map. They should also know how to add, remove, and retrieve elements from a collection. Furthermore, they should be aware of the performance characteristics of each type of collection so that they can choose the most appropriate one for a particular task. Finally, they should be familiar with the Java Collections Framework API to use it effectively. Let’s explore some tricky Java collections interview questions. 

  1. Explain fail-fast and fail-safe iterators. Differentiate between them.

Fail-fast iterators throw a ConcurrentModificationException if they detect a structural modification to the underlying collection while they are iterating over it. Fail-safe iterators do not throw a ConcurrentModificationException if the collection is structurally modified while iterating over it. 

  1. What is the purpose of the RandomAccess Interface?

The purpose of the RandomAccess interface is to provide a generic set of methods for accessing data stored in an underlying random access data structure. This interface provides a standard way to access data stored in an underlying data structure, regardless of the specific implementation. 

  1. Differentiate between Iterator and Enumeration.

An iterator is an object that enables a programmer to traverse a container, particularly lists. In addition, an iterator provides access to data elements in containers without exposing its internal structure. An enumeration is an Interface that contains methods for accessing the underlying data structure one element at a time. Unlike iterators, enumerations cannot remove elements from the underlying data structures. 

  1. Why do we need synchronized ArrayList when we have Vectors (which are synchronized) in Java?

ArrayList is part of the Collections framework, whereas Vector is not. Moreover, ArrayList is unsynchronized, and the vector is synchronized. 

  1. Why does not the Map interface extend the Collection Interface or vice-versa?

The Map interface and the Collection interface are two different interfaces defined in the Java Collections Framework. The Map interface is not a subtype of the Collection interface, nor is the Collection interface a subtype of the Map interface. The Map interface provides a set of methods for storing key-value pairs, while the Collection interface provides a set of methods for storing a group of objects. 

  1. What is the difference between Synchronized Collection and Concurrent Collection?

Synchronized collections are those that are thread-safe, meaning that they can be used by multiple threads without the risk of data corruption. Concurrent collections are those that are designed to be used by multiple threads concurrently. 

  1. Can we replace Hashtable with ConcurrentHashMap?

ConcurrentHashMap is a hash table-based implementation of the Map interface, with optional support for concurrency control. The ConcurrentHashMap class provides better performance and scalability than Hashtable. Yes, we can replace Hashtable with ConcurrentHashMap. ConcurrentHashMap provides better performance and scalability than Hashtable. 

  1. When does ConcurrentModificationException occur on iteration?

A ConcurrentModificationException will occur when an object is modified while it is being iterated over. This can happen if the object is modified by a different thread than the one that is iterating over it or if the object is modified by the same thread that is iterating over it but not within the scope of the iterator. 

  1. Difference between Set, List, and Map Collection classes?
  • A Set is a collection that cannot contain duplicate elements. This means that when you add an element to a Set, the Set will check to see if that element is already present. If it is, the element will not be added. 
  • A List is a collection that can contain duplicate elements. This means that when you add an element to a List, the List will not check to see if that element is already present. 
  • A Map is a collection that maps keys to values. This means that each element in a Map has a key and a value associated with it. 
  • A Set is unordered while a List is ordered. This means that the elements in a Set are not stored in any particular order, while the elements in a List are stored in the order in which they were added. 
  1. Which one will you prefer between Array and ArrayList for Storing objects, and why?

There are a few key differences between Array and ArrayList in Java. The array is a fixed-size data structure that cannot be resized. ArrayList is a variable-size data structure that can be resized as needed. The array can store primitive types as well as objects. ArrayList can store only objects. The array is faster than ArrayList because ArrayList uses a lot of memory to store objects. 

  1. Give one Java collection example.

ArrayList implements the List interface. It employs a dynamic array to hold duplicate elements of various data types. The ArrayList class is non-synchronized and keeps the insertion order. The elements in the ArrayList class can be accessed at random. Let’s learn from an example. 

import java.util.*;   

public class TestjavaCollection9{   

public static void main(String args[]){   

//Creating and adding elements   

TreeSet<String> set=new TreeSet<String>();   





//traversing elements   

Iterator<String> itr=set.iterator();   






Deep Diving Into Software Development 

The software development field has seen tremendous growth in recent years. This is due to the increasing demand for new and innovative software applications. As businesses become more reliant on technology, they need experienced professionals to create custom software solutions. The software development field offers a unique opportunity to use your creativity and technical expertise to solve complex problems. If you are interested in a career in software development, there are a few things you should know. First, the software development field is constantly evolving. New technologies and approaches are always being developed, so it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. Second, software development is a highly collaborative process. You will need to work closely with other developers, designers, and testers to create successful software applications. Finally, the software development field offers a great deal of opportunity for career growth. With the right skills and experience, you can advance into a management or leadership role. 


There are a few ways you can enter into the software development field. One option is to get a degree in computer science or a related field. This will give you the technical skills you need to be successful in the software development field. Another option is to complete a software development Bootcamp. These programs provide intensive, hands-on training that can help you launch your career in software development. 

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